
People started using the word FINTECH then everyone was like, omg I am a early adopter of the future... lol like dot com?

I seen this today, and actually skipped it because I hate cynical quips about crypto, but you just inspired me to watch it.

He is very funny if you're bored, but I like it when he uses his cynical views to deliver a important point. He was one of the first to point out publicly that big tech companies are scams.

yeah that was interesting - i think he is wrong about bitcoin being anon though - i think it actually is a trojan already

Zcash has a sheilded pool. on chain, that is protected by miners, not mixing service operators.

I like z-cash - over the past week, as I traded most of my coins for dai in case this is the big crash, z-cash was the only one i held in full.

Basically z-cash and monero are the only ones i have any real enthusiasm for, the rest i'm just trying to make gains on.