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RE: Gotta be this highlight for Hive in 2021 for me!

in Proof of Brain2 years ago

Your stone soup, how can anyone not want to join the party? 🤔

Ok, who dis person that’s become part of your highlight? Who? Whoooooo?!
Here’s to me being part of 2022’s 😁

By the way for this year, you back at Hive is one of my highlights 💓

Will be doing my own in a bit ☺️


heheheheheh woooooooooot that's an amazing compliment!
and you in 20222222222222

that is my new poem
youuuuuuuuuuuu in 2022222222222

please tell me when you've gotten your ticket! i'm dying

hahahaha oh that person at the end? LOL he is my special little cookie that i met at HiveFest that is hilarious and so much fun and we made each other part of the highlight cuz we were in DM being silly!!! say hi to @l337m45732 hahahahaha

I'm a special little cookie 🥠 😂

mmmmm you're like the Samoas of the cookie world.

in case you don't know... there is none higher than Samoas. (yeah i know they changed the name but they will always be samoas to me hahaha)


I've never received such a high compliment. Samoas are literally the best cookies that exist.

i am so glad that you recognized the status of that cookie!!!!