Happy Caturday: very happy to see Joan dropping by.

in Proof of Brain5 months ago

The weather has become very gloomy during the last two days. Thd sun was hidden behind a thick curtain of gray clouds and the temperature has suddenly dropped in the evening. I got a bad cold from traveling on the train, several people were having a bad cold. I reckoned this particular strain came with the flood of Chinese tourists who took advantage of free visa. I did notice Chinese tourists suffering from bad colds walking in shopping malls. This could be a blessing in disguise as we would have the chance to get our immune systems activated with a new stubborn strain of flu, so it couldn’t affect us as much as the first encounter.

The first two days in the countryside were very dull and I couldn’t do much except sleeping my fever off. My sweet orange cat, Kwan, was so lovely and she kept me company. She seemed to have put on some weights while I was away. So, I would have to control the portions of her food the whole week. I would like to see Kwan light enough to climb trees again. She used to climb trees regularly in the past. That’s why I didn’t cut her nails do she could dig into tree bark easily.

I started to send my message to Joan telepathically to tell him to drop by the house. The following morning, as soon as I opened the door, Joan came runnjng through the doorway. He always made a small greeting sound as he’s very considerate and refused to make loud noises. He would never moan or complain loudly like Kwan. This cat was incredibly sensitive to loud noises and he didn’t like people shouting at him.

Joan was much thinner but still very healthy. I gave him some wet food mixed with dry food. He ate very fast. Kwan heard the commotion in the kitchen so she came to investigate. Kwan was very excited to see her brother again. She kept sniffing him and followed him around. Joan went to sleep at his usual spot in my bedroom. Kwan joined him briefly to groom her brother. Then she went to sleep in her bed on the east table. These cats have their set habits which couldn’t be difficult to change.

In the evening, these cats would spend some time in the yard. Joan would quietly disappear into the nearby fields. I guessed he had to go hunting as he felt the urge of his instinct. Kwan would watch me watering plants in the garden. She seemed to be more domesticated and hardly went hunting, which suited me very well. Kwan was like a little kid to ne as she would yell and cry for attention. She also liked to complain a lot when she got locked outside or when she eanted to be massaged.

It was good to see the two cats could still get along though they have become much more independent of each other. They hardly sleep in the same basket any more. I was glad that Joan could receive my message and responded in such a short time. After Joan had his food and slept in the whole afternoon, he would get up around four o’ clock. Then he would ask for some snack before he went off into the garden. He would hang around in the yard for half an hour before going out into the fields.

Kwan would look on without following Joan into the outside world. I was glad that Kwan played safe and stayed close to home. I hoped that Joan would drop by more often so Kwan wouldn’t be on her own too much. She always got excited to see her brother. Meanwhile, I don’t have to think about getting a kitten to keep Kwan’s company. Hopefully, Joan would be safe, healthy and well fed at his new address.

Wishing you peace, good health and prosperity.

Stay strong and cheerful.


I love seeing the two cats enjoying life together. I hope you feel better quickly from your cold.

Thank you. Yup! It took me four days to get over the flu. Glad to see both cats together again. I do hope Joan would be dropping by more often.

Yay! 🤗
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