Binance 4th Anniversary Celebration , Is it really Worth your time ?

Three days ago I wrote about the Binance 4th Anniversary celebration contest.

They are giving away some Crypto Currencies based on some task that one must complete to enter to win these Crypto.

Now If you haven't read that post and you have no idea about what the event is all about i would request you to go and read my blog about that.

link to blog -> About Binance 4th Anniversary Rewards give aways.

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Now there are many trading pairs given as task to be completed by us with particular total volume that must satisfy.

I completed almost all of them , 15000 TRX , 9500 DATA , 200 Dexe , 4000 CHZ etc.

And to my personal experience i almost payed around more than $5 of fees for performing all these trading.

Sadly i was not able to win anything even after spinning it for more than 7 times.

you can see my spin history in the below screen shot where you will see Binance sending me thank you all the time.


So that was how my personal experience went and based on that i would not recommend anyone to waste money in winning the spins.

But yes , the decision is all left upto you and i am only giving a advice. You can try your luck.

That's all for this post.

Thank You.

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