Swearing on your life? That's a No-no!

You will learn many things in life but remember this.

It is unwise and unreasonable to swear on your life.

I don't know how people feel comfortable swearing on their life, but it's not something that piques my fancy in any way. I don't even swear on an inanimate object, why would I do that on my precious life? Lol.

The thing is, I've got to admit that I have never seen anyone that died because they swore in their life.

People know that they can tell a lie and swear on their life as a way to back up the lie. After all, even if they are caught, they would just laugh it off and carry on with their life.

Perhaps, this same known fact has made many swear on their life in some situations. The desperate ones go to the extent of swearing on the lives of their loved ones just to sell a lie. And it's ludicrous to imagine this.

I wonder how silly it would be to hear that Mr.A died because Mr.B swore on Mr.A's life. It's insane!

For the record, swearing on your life and going against your word on the spot may not bite you immediately. It may NEVER bite you in your lifetime, but it's not worth it.

Here is a logical downside of swearing on our life

We all know of some set of people who we cannot trust a single word that comes out of their lips. No kidding, even if such people says good morning, we need to cross-check before answering in affirmation.


The rest of the world sees such people as manipulative and untrustworthy because their action shows that they can reach any height to maintain a lie.

Left for me, I don't swear on my life and I don't swear on anything. My Yes is Yes and my No is No.

Swearing on my life may mean NOTHING and it may not come with any repercussion per se. But it's a no-no for me.

Thanks For Not Missing Any Full-stop Or Comma
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people always come off as liars or retarded when they swear on someone else's life

Lol... And those people don't know when to stop. They have already grown accustomed to it and they do it unceasingly.

yeah, everyone's growing up, but there they are, locked in place

I can't imagine dripping dead because someone used my name to swear. That would have been an easy murder method.... No plenty stress😂😂

Funny fact is that most people swear to an extent that whenever the word 'swear' comes out from their mouth, it sounds like a lie already, trust is broken.

Posted via proofofbrain.io

I can't imagine dripping dead because someone used my name to swear.

Lol... Please don't even try to imagine it. This world would have been like a video game.

Very true dear.

Posted via proofofbrain.io

well said
I heard a story of a man that was kidnapped and was later released after paying a ransom. It was gathered that an insider gave them the information which made their operation successful. The man called all his domestic workers upon his releases for them to confess who was behind his kidnapping. The driver immediately swore with his life that if he has anything to do with it let him not celebrate his 40th birthday. Sadly he died three months to his 40th birthday.

The question now is ; is this a coincidence or was he actually the one that masterminded the kidnap

The question now is ; is this a coincidence or was he actually the one that masterminded the kidnap

Lol... That is a very LOUD question and it gives people the opportunity to point accusing fingers.

Of course, none of this would have been the case if the man was genuine from the onset.

The thing is, I've got to admit that I have never seen anyone that died because they swore in their life.

Actually I have. But it was a movie. The human swore on his life, and once he got to the road, he was ran over by a car. The issue was that someone owes him money, and he swore on his life, he won't leave that premises, if he didn't get his money. The neighbors around held him and advice him to give the guy more time and that he will pay up. Heeding those advice led to his death because he had sworn to die if he let it go

We didn't create any strand on our hair, we shouldn't be swearing on any part of our body no matter what..

Lol... And somehow, most of these things we see in movies is a projection of how things would be in real life.

The thing is, even if someone has died in real life because of their swears, autopsy may not display it. Hehe

Those of us that are privileged to understand the importance of being disciplined should learn to take our word seriously so that people would also take it exactly how we said it.

Lol. It's true autopsy won't be able to detect the death of a person was as result of his swearing

Well, when we get to heaven, all the secrets will be revealed.

As long as we are still on earth, we need to learn to guard our tongue against swearing upon the life we didn't create and learn to keep to our words as well.

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nice bro well said...