Enjoying Fresh Air In The Bush

in Proof of Brainlast year

A couple of Munia birds are enjoying the sunlight and the fresh air. I think the male is trying to seduce the female. That is so sweet.
This morning, after I took my daughter to school, I went to a green area. It was a large area near the suspended TOL street development. I could enjoy the green view of trees and grass. There were many birds looking for some grains.

I went with my son. He would go to school in the afternoon. He ran around the bush. He looked to be enjoying the wide area.
The voice of munia birds entertained me. It was like a beautiful song. The world was at peace. I stood and looked around. And say "How beautiful this morning. ".
Time goes by. It has been more than three years. I have not seen my hometown. My hometown is a place where I was born. Going home with five people will cost me a lot of money for transportation. I realize that it is impossible to go home this time.

Nature is my friend. It gives me peace when I feel uncomfortable in my life. I always spend time in the green area when I have many problems in life. I will forget about things in the future. I live in the moment in which I stand.


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