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RE: Day 7 & 8: POB for Ecency: Research

in Proof of Brain3 years ago

I thought we were going to have enough negative price pressure because of the weak BTC price but I guess I was wrong. The POB price passed 2 Hive/POB briefly. The POB price doesn't seem to care.

$5 / coin was the price of BTC when I started watching the price. I thought "wow, that's more than the pound."


POB is held up by a couple of buyers who are purchasing using rewards gained within the HIVE blockchain (DPOS doing its thing). I don't see the value in looking at the POB token price until we have a wider spread of buyers. It just takes one larger stakeholder to say "fuck it" and the whole price bellies out.

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hence a need for an organized chat on voice, we've chatted awesomely for a couple hours was it? @ calumam and think of getting people together of all 'ranks' and just humanizing each other and feeling out what's going on. I invest but not in things but not outta pressure and unfortunately am not looking to throw money into hive again unless the next HF isn't some avalanche that kills off the middle class which is barely existent as it is.
DPOS is what it is, imho it has inherent flaws and that's that, we have to work together and around things to reach some sort of consensus about where this "hot new token" is going
it is up to all of us who are willing to put in some elbow grease where they see potential. For me the networking can and has paid off bigtime which is nice in addition to the whole ride. It's very funky and experimental feeling and that's why am into it but it has to have more investors and after the huge tumble in the market people are feeling uneasy. time will tell :)

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