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RE: Would you like some some cold water with your avaricious dopamine hit ?

in Proof of Brain3 years ago and worst is relative to content/rewards.

Being popular is the last thing that the person needs to be.
On this platform, 'popular' entails being a midwit or a whale - or both - which entails being a sycophants, circle jerk upvoter, which would entail lying...So that couldn't work...

I'm the ONLY one that's doing anything at the moment towards 'naming elephants in rooms'.
(It seems like that to me, anyways...)


I didn't necessarily say popular in this platform, just someone with a respected opinion on at least one of the 6 platforms they're going to post the Best/Worst list in. (Also I know it's Best/Worst relative to the rewards...)

I think someone of my posts are over-voted, even if I'm happy to receive money for them. Then again, I feel some of my other posts are under-voted, so I guess, it evens out?

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

just someone with a respected opinion on at least one of the 6 platforms they're going to post the Best/Worst list in.

...ah, ok..........I never thought of that!... lol (but now I have thought of you want as independent as possible - a project unto itself, if you will).

I think someone of my posts are over-voted, even if I'm happy to receive money for them. Then again, I feel some of my other posts are under-voted, so I guess, it evens out?

Not an argument, a self justification (rationalizing) of feeling guilty.
What the person receiving the votes makes of the rewards is not important.

It's the person(s) handing out the rewards that matters more in the context of changing things through the exposure of actions.

Not necessarily...

which entails being a sycophants, circle jerk upvoter, which would entail lying

Then again if you're that popular, you'll get accused of lying/circle-jerking regardless if you're doing it or not. Your enemies will find a way to frame your actions in a bad way.

Being popular is the last thing that the person needs to be.

After pondering this, I guess you're right...

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

....Your enemies will find a way to frame your actions in a bad way....

Transparency is great....