The Art of War + Saul Alinsky' Rules for Radicals + Creative destruction = Opportunity....oh, and why I hate @shepz1...

in Proof of Brain3 years ago

In reverse order...

Why I hate @shepz1....
THIS !...
...THIS ! ...

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I'm Spartacus Ricky Gervais - not him !...bloody hell !

He gets a few days of downvotes from the usual suspects idiots, and then claims the Ricky Gervais mantle.

This will not do, you 2 stroke fetishist !

Just because I never thought of it first, has nothing to do with ...ok?


Psssst !!!..To all you dull, boring, scared, downvoting midwits - who hate any content creators for having qualities you can only ever fantasize about (personality, sense of humor, and a spine - you know, those kind of things )... the opening part of my post is called humor.... H...U..M...O...R..

Got it?
...No, I didn't think so...

Okay, okay, I know.
Humor, personality, and individuality is not appreciated on a platform that's based on communist ideals, power, eggshell thin ego's, fear, and basalt levels of IQ - but I'm gonna express it anyway...

If the research looking at the correlations between having a sense of humor , and intelligence , is an accurate one - what does that tell you about some of the large stakeholders on hive ?
...Think about it...

Interesting factoid..
Did you know that there's also a correlation between 'a sense of freedom' and laughter - or rather, the emotion of joy...

That could also be framed as a correlation between a lack of joy, and oppressive regimes.
Wishing to exert control over others free speech, in whatever form that it takes - is oppressive.
It sucks joy from people.
Evil hates joy.
Individuals or groups who advocate, or execute, oppressive actions (thwarting free expression) are evil.

....if there's no laughter - no joy, and no sense of freedom - there's oppression and evil at work .

Okay... moving on....

(But I'm still Ricky Gervais, goddammit!)..

The Art of War, and Saul Alinsky.

I'm not going to go into the details of Sun Tzu's classic, nor 'The Rules for Radicals' lessons in winning - a strategic masterpiece - by Saul Alinsky. (if you haven't read them - at least three times each - why the hell not?..Educate yourself).

I'll cherry pick some quotes and passages from them instead.
I'll also tell you about a few changes that I'm making with my own account @lucylin...


I think it's pretty clear from the last 3 months events on Hive - and now on POB for the last month - that I have enemies on here.
Which is to be expected, given that evil and communist ideologue's hate laughter , truth, creativity, individuality, and originality.
I get it.

The brainless NCP's who've attacked my account for this last quarter of a year (on every post that I make) obviously haven't read The Art of War.
They probably couldn't fathom it even if they did read it.'s another quote...


In terms of my account - and the wish to sustain my lifestyle by writing my truths , which would have been very possible from the accounts who support my work via positive actions of upvoting... this was possible without the down vote attacks.
These attacks on my account - in terms of writing on hive and POB - has 'left me no outlet free'.
Silly midwits.
They've definitely not read Sun Tzu and comprehended it.

Action, reaction.
Cause, and effect.

Action = Large account holders have destroyed any possibility for me to pursue my writing ambitions on hive.
Reaction = To now use Hive in other ways , to satisfy my writing ambitions (and economic requirements).


Any student of history, business, or simply an experience of life in general - knows this to be the case.

And yet the large stakeholders - in their infinite 'wisdom' which must surpass Sun Tzu's apparently, chose a strategy of prolonged warfare...

The 'nation of Hive' will not - can not - benefit from this strategy.

The fact that they've chosen to execute such a strategy alludes to ignorance, fear, insecurity, zero business experience, and poor strategic thinking.

Either that, or it's a leftist, ideologically driven exercise.
i.e...stupidity from the get go.
Hive - and 'stakeholder capitalism' - is a communistic/technocratic system that's endorsed by Klaus Schwab of the World Economic Forum in his tyrannical vision of the world (ushered in by 'the great reset').

No one with a clear head - and non ideological motivation - could see this as a long term, profitable strategy.
An ideologically driven mind could see this oppressive type of governance and downvoting maliciously, as a good thing....

If the ambitions of Hive and it's 'owners' - the top 20 witnesses and whales - is one of a 'designed to fail' model (which wouldn't surprise me) , then they're acting in a strategically correct manner ( for them).

....Personally, I don't think that's what the 95% of the community on Hive signed up for...

From my perspective - these attacks have opened up many avenues to explore. Rejuvenated by the toxicity shown on Hive , my entrepreneurial, free thinking , free market perspective , has found much to celebrate!
(their toxic attitudes only serve to feed my focus and gives me succor).

Yes - the hive 'reward system' is based on nothing but 'favors' - and nothing more - which is why DPoS is so old fashioned as a governance model.
It's digital feudalism - and 95% of people on here are nothing but serfs , looking for favors (upvotes) from their overlords.

Fortunately for me, my required 'bowl of rice' is so small as to be laughable.

A quick diversion....

A Pro tip 'rule of thumb' way to calculating someones intelligence:*
Intelligence has an inverse correlation to the amount of debt slavery that is signed up for.
Yes, debt slavery is an 'opt in' system - just like Hive.
...And only a fool would ever voluntarily 'opt in' to being a slave.

If the correlation between voluntarily 'opting in' to be a debt slave and the lack of intelligence, is accurate - then what does that tell you about some of the large stakeholders on hive ?
...Think about it...

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Now.... 'let's call Saul', shall we?...


(I wont even bother exploring the third rule - it's very obvious).

The first on the list is an easy one to implement - simply use humor and intelligence - they have no comeback on those!

The second one on the list 'Make the enemy live up to it's own rules - this ones a zinger! ...('zinger' seems to be my new buzzword at the moment, for some unknown reason).

How can I use this rule ?
After this post, I will not be posting very much under the @lucylin account - as such.... But yet - I also will be (???)...How does that work then ????...
Details and a working example are in in the next post....

I will be using it for downvoting purposes.

Lots of that...

Yes, it's against my principles of what downvoting represents, ( an ethically negative action) and in a perfect world, I'd never use them.

But we are not in 'a perfect world' on hive - or anything even close to it, are we?

We are in a dysfunctional ecosystem, governed by fragile ego's with entitlement issues... Bless...

Having run my own businesses all my life - and employing somewhere in the region of 150/200 people (ish) during that time - I wouldn't trust a single top downvoter account to run my fuckin' mobile burger van - never mind Hive....
Just so we're crystal clear about that.

...As 'smooth' so graciously pointed out just a few hours ago...

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A mental model , indeed...

So from now on - I'll be downvoting with this hive account until/if something changes.

...I'll be 'downvoting with a difference'...
This strategy is using the enemies rules against them ('When in Rome' and all that).

When in the land of 'code is law'.... i.e no ethical behavior and no personal moral responsibility... then so be it.

If you play by the rules of decency and ethics in an environment that doesn't play those rules - you're putting yourself in a disadvantageous position.

IF - on the other hand - you're using the rules of the corrupt system against themselves - it may only be a matter of time before the pain of those rules far outweighs the rewards of using them.
We shall see....(I've 'war gamed' through various different scenarios over this last three months..)

"...Never wrestle with a pig. You just get dirty, and besides, the pig enjoys it..."

Well, me spending my time 'fighting with the pigs of Hive' (while being fun and requiring minimal thought to make them look ridiculous) ...doesn't really achieve what it is that I want.

Which is victory.

My victory - is carving out an income to fill my bowl of rice by writing, making silly videos, memes, etc, etc....
If my victory is achieved by using hive as a muse to get to that point ( my vehicle to victory) , it would be poetic justice indeed..
Did I ever mentioned karma before ? lol.

My victory could be served by a change in the cult of hive's putrid ideology - and a shift in the attitudes of the 'not qualified to run a burger van' malignant stakeholders. (but that ain't gonna happen anytime soon, lets be realistic...).

Another bonus to me for 'downvoting posts that you would not pay for' (thanks again, smoothy baby) , is that it's on the block chain.
For as long as the chain is in operation at least.

All my downvotes will come with a comment - a reason for the downvote....Many of these reasons will be in great detail, and in various tones, from whichever angle I see as riling the recipient the most (ridicule is mans most potent weapon...)

....I'll help to provide this service - totally free of charge, to my enemies - by down voting and commenting on as many posts that I can manage - using smooths paradigm of 'would I pay for this ?'.... No ?.... down vote and reason , incoming.
You're most welcome.
I'm good like that....
(hows that apple pie tasting ?)
....taps finger on desk, waiting for those with any semblance of self preservation, and IQ over 50, to start making

Those users who do value content creators putting in the hard work, and who perceive that they have something to offer - fight back now, against the tyrants.
If you think I'm one of those creators (when I'm not just ranting on about hive's putrid culture of fear) ... watch out for my next post.

This could be a great opportunity for those who want hive to run in a positive , ethically driven, manner - to fight back.

The tiny minority have the stake power - (don't kid yourself it's any different) , but it's the rest of us that have the real power.
Don't be 'gaslit' into thinking otherwise.

Hive would be nothing without its community - i.e creators posting their material , day in, and day out.
That , my friends - is a power that the minority nasguls do not have...
(and eerily similar to todays politics in the real world...)

...My next post coming up is about the how's of doing just that.

I'll be using my @lucylin account as a working example...

Interesting and fun times ahead, people!

Which is more important to you - tokens given to you as a reward from your overlords, for doing as your lord and master wishes ?
...Or ... the freedom to express yourself without the specter of 'downvoting' forever looking over your shoulder, and instead, carving out support from those who genuinely support you?

...the putrid dark shadow of negativity and fear currently prevalent on Hive does not encourage creativity, dynamism, or progress....

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The Hive Politburo does not approve of this message...think about it...

I prefer this Smooth.

Slightly ahead of the game, I'm not a lame
Ask him, he'll tell you the same he knows my name
Smooth, I drop jewels like, paraphernalia
I'm infallable, not into failure
Like a rhinoceros, my speed is prosperous
And pure knowledge expands from my esophagus

PS. I'll be waiting for your righteous downvote. I can't complain because code is law and we've been told what to do...

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lolololol - your waaaaaaay down in any downvote queue, matey ! ! lolol

Hate is a strong word you wanker :-)

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I think it must be one of those "tease the person you really have a crush on" kind of hates...

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If you earn more than $10 on Hive you get downvoted to Zero. Unless you belong to the Inner Sanctum of course…. a private or secret place to which few other people are admitted.

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it's almost like its algorithmic to ensure certain amounts go to certain large accounts...isn't it?
(starting with the pruning of rewards from accounts that ever have the temerity to 'question the cult of hive and DpoS')

They especially hate artists and beautiful women.

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Art is creativity , ergo the enemy of evil.

see other message re: beautiful women.

Good write up.

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I like getting rewarded for something I feel proud of posting.. The rewards tell me they like my views too. If my rewards are few or even downvoted it just means I have not reached people like I was reached myself in creating the post.. No problem we can disagree. Maybe next time it will be different. And if these people continue not to like what I post, then it is time they look elsewhere for likable content.

yup, this atack on my account by three or four toxic accounts tells me (and the world that is watching, trust me) that it's either:
a/ideologically driven (hive has a large lefty bias ' at the top' - which explains a lot of things).

b/ it is algorithmic in search of optimum rewards going back into the pool for redistribution to the larger stakeholders (thus maintaining their lions share - staying in control)

c/ personal idiocy

...or some combination of the above.
Whatever the reason - it sticks in the craw of people with a moral compass who can see 'right' and 'wrong'...

Looking forward to (what number round is this)? Anyway bring it on. I like your downvoting idea I am watching and learning......

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round 139, I think.... lolol

...fireworks will commence, shortly...

To avoid any downvotes You need to make an application to the Hive Inner Sanctum

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Dull cunts are they not? Wait a cunt is of use. Dull idiots it is then.
I fucking blew up my new £3500 MSI pc last night grrr, Good job it is under warranty. Hey - fuck it. Suck my balls @azircon suck em good.

Don't encourage him. (did you know that the koanashi icon represents a repressed libido?- says a lot )

Excerpt from quora posts on the subject...

No-Face is trying to be someone, he's trying to have an identity, and he's using the personality traits and behaviors of the people around him in order to give shape to his identity.

...the character is a vampire (it steals personalities in an attempt to get on of his own), and goes ballistic when not taken seriously by those he wants.

he's obviously pretty dim, to - he thinks control over others is a good idea...

Agreed, off to grow some ganja now :-)

motorbikes you retards :-)

@onealfa.pob can you explain a -100 POB downvote? Was it subjective or did you have some metrics you followed?

  • Poor quality - why?
  • Over-reward - by how much?

Is the DV based on your richard crill post?

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lol - it's on every single post (and comments) for the last month!
(since the hive cabal turned their attention to me on POB)

I’m sorry about that. I knew about the HIvE side with detail. Didn’t know that crap started happening on POB.