in Proof of Brain3 years ago (edited)

.......Or rather - ‘do not read this post if you are a total cuck, or if you're very, very angry at yourself - for knowing, deep down, that you know that you’re being less than a 'real man’, and are acting very, very small.

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Do not read this post IF you've been willing to compromise all of your foundational values and principles that your parents gave to you, for the sake of mooooar money.

But wait…there’s more !

Do not read IF you've taken the chemical soup injections, as advised by your caring governments.
And Do not read this -for fucks sake - if you think that the benevolent big pharma companies have your best interests at heart, and are not , in actual fact, fulfilling their very reason for existence –(which is to profit for their corporate shareholders).

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And also !....

Do not read this post IF you can feel those teensy weensy spike proteins swimming around your bloodstream, frantically multiplying, and trying to get through that blood brain barrier.*
*(a brain is not an actual prerequisite for this to phenomena to occur)

Do NOT continue reading this post if any of the above apply to you.

And lastly, but not by no means, least...

do NOT continue reading this if you think that magic is not real and the MSM media is not, in actual fact – putting spell on you.

For fucks sake - please , please, pleeeeease !!!! - do NOT continue reading, if any of the above apply to you....

I’m trying to help.

HOWEVER - If non of the above apply to you, then please do carry on and have a giggle at insanity...

The Diaries of a Charmless Man….November 1st.

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Why don’t people understand?...


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Well I already read this introductory post from top to bottom. Now I'm wondering what I was before or in what kind of oddball I became after reading this post.

Should I be scared now if I decide that I want to go and read also the rest of the post? ;o)

lol ...you'll be safe..

Ok, I'll trust you...

I literally read the post to the end.
None of the above apply to me but it all sounds funny and serious on the other hand.

Hahaha, crazy shit. 😆😂

Well, I ain't none of the above but that doesn't mean you really meant everything you said right there.

Posted via proofofbrain.io

 3 years ago  Reveal Comment