Toxic actions - Is it an expression of unresolved, same sex, love ?

in Proof of Brain3 years ago (edited)

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If attention is the most basic expression of love , as the expert pscyologists say that it is , then no matter how toxic a behavior appears - attention is giving love.

Whether this has anything to with unresolved homsoexual feelings or not, isn't relevant, I just thought I'd throw that in there, to stir things up.

If internal unresolved pscycological issues are not addressed from childhood, they become malformed pathologies. (such as being told that fancying other men is wrong)
Unresolved issues may mean that a persons pschycology is maladjusted.

This means black can be white, up can be down, and anger can be expressed as love - just as love can be shown as toxic attention....
In extreme cirimstances, having the hot's for someone of the same sex may result in 'gay bashing', and other negative and very unhelathy actions.
*Or downvoting indiscrimnately on Hive accounts, for months on end, for no reason...

There are several approches to helping people with maladjusted pathologies.
Some say that a long period of psychoanalysis works, while others say
it 's a long, deep, personal journey of introspection.

@lucylin's approach is slightly different....

Lucylin's radical approach means mocking the fuckers until you break through their delusions, thus forcing them to enter into the world of sanity.
It has yet to proven if this method actually works, but it's fun trying it out !

*Note: This method is best applied by individuals who tend to be low in empathy, and don't give a flying fuck about hurting snowflakey and very delusional individuals, and their unreality.

Dosage of mockery is best kept at once per day, until sleepless nights and pscyotic breaks occur, and by doing so, hopefully helping to crack open the mind to reality. (either that, or they have stroke).

Symptoms of breaking delusions, and entering into the real world include overwhelming urges to upvote previously downvoted posts, and a strong emotional attachment to the person that applied the mockery.

If the cause for the maladjusted pathology is homoerotic in nature, individuals may find themselves listening to Queen all day, and trying to grow a moustache while coming to terms with things.

Intermittent breakthroughs (called TPE, or Thought Proccesses Emerging), may include stalking , and an intense self loathing.
This self lothing can express as an overwhelming desire to look ridiculous, be laughed at by everyone, and to get into arguments that they have no hope of winning .
(often to the sounds of 'bless' and much giggling, from spectators).

It's a mercy mocking....or something like that.

No thinking people were hurt during the making of this video.

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Would it not be possible to create virtual internment camps where such individuals could be corralled while their treatment progresses?

I think we could all take the lead from the Chinese who have very successfully implemented Ethnic removal treatments and the Muslim world who have mastered the art of re-educating those wicked people who prefer to shag their own gender. It might be difficult to follow their exact technique of simply killing such people but we may be able to implement this skilled technique virtually.

Sorry, I'm getting ahead of myself. Let's simply post a list of names and take the piss. Perhaps you could also create an addendum to 'The Art of War'....

If your enemy is a power-driven, greedy attention freak. Take the piss until they lock themselves into a room with mirrors that cover every surface.

I truly think Sun Tzu would have approved...

PS Sorry I didn't actually watch the video, I only read stuff on here. I'm sure it was very entertaining though!

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Sorry to read in a comment that you are considering leaving the block chain and not participating any more. I would like you to know that I have always enjoyed your post I found them to be pretty funny, of a serious bent, or just a social style posting. I liked the ranting and the bow making and the interactions you provided with your audience.

I hope that you will do like Shepz1 and sometime make a brief life post update or any other kind of update. I will continue to leave you on my follow list and my favorites list in hopes of future entertainment from you just as I continue to follow shepz1 and nonameslefttouse,

It has been fun reading your post and comments since the everittdmicky days on steemit.

Mocking is an art-form , easy to do , hard to master .

Like where dogs can't look up , Cubeman can't role and black birds mock the cat ,.. reality rules . ;-)

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Toxic actions most times happens due to lack of love and trust and inadequate communication among people

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Funny video.. well done.. The concept of down voting is lost on me... Same thing fakebook, Titter etc are doing ..Controlling speech.. What do they want us to all have the same opinions.?

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let me catch you thinking a question out loud one more time and it's the hose for you.

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What was I thinking.. getting out of the box..

Interesting to see see the Avatar of No-Face brought into this. Watched the movie years ago and actually went to an anime con w my brother dressed as him.


Ok ok make fun of us all you want but the bottom line is we are both on opposite ends of the political spectrum yet we appreciate one another. We laugh at each others esoteric jokes regarding our upbringing and video games. Wished that people in general can be like that.

I understand ideologies can present chasms that seem impassable but can we fault ourselves to try and find a common ground? I will admit your nature of expression can be very provocative (which imo has its use case) and perhaps may not be perceived as seeking a common ground which may be appropriate now.

Perhaps, if you are able to humble yourself, those who hold contrary views may be more receptive? This doesn't mean we have to concede our convictions rather it gives us a chance that they may be exhibited.

Toxic action don't just happened rather it may happen instantly or have been nurtured for a long period of time which maybe caused by unresolved issues before showing in an individual.
I will not see it as a way or pattern of showing love expression due to is not linked to care and emotional expression.

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expert pscyologists

Dope pushers, mostly.

Allow me to interject this into the conversation.
I like the fireworks.

Experts indeed... (almost nauseating)

I don't think you should leave because PoB creator was upvoting you too much and caused you to catch hate.

Keep on keeping on!

I've never stopped...