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RE: The power of your voice in people's minds

in Proof of Brain3 years ago

that is very nice of you in turning those school bullies into something that can be very useful later in your life.

Indeed sometime speaking is not as easy as letting out words from our mouth, but how to deliver the message well is a bit hard to do, and need a lot of learning and practices


Very true, the main problem is how to deliver the message..Peoples reactions alone might shut you up if you ain't bold...

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Yeah very much true. one reaction to our speech or words can deter our move into moving on delivering our message.
if one not bold enough, or have a trick to overcome it, i believe things won't go very easy

It was something that made me evolve. Maybe if I hadn't been through teasing or things like that I wouldn't go after it.

But at the same time I know it's not easy to seek and evolve. Because many people may not try and shut up even more making learning worse over time...