Make The Most Of Your 20s Count!

in Proof of Brain2 years ago


Our 20s define our personal and our precessional life more than any other decade, we'll make mistakes, but making the mistakes is not the problem, but learning from our mistakes, and this period you can also live the best of your life. It's a defining decade that plays a huge role in who you want to be what you want to be.

Errrrrr, Don't screw them up!

Oops! I'm only kidding, because at this stage, you'll screw them up to some extent, and that's ok. It's a stage we need to practice mindfulness I.e meditate about our life and not knifing around with bad relationships if we want to be in good shape.

According to my insights, there are some foundations you must lay to make the most of your 20s.

1) start writing down your goals: we should start visualizing our lifestyle in the next 5 to 2o years, we write about what we want to achieve and the way to get there. Writing down your goals and dreams help you to nail down what is really in your sanity, and helps to give you a substantial record you can relegate to overtime.

2) start letting go of your ego: we should be open to alternate viewpoints without letting arrogance and pride get in our way. Our 20s is a stage we should kill our egos because it will limit and dazzle us from our growth and chances to learn new things. Sometimes you can just burst your bubbles by asking yourself " what if I'm wrong?" This is a way of examining things from the other end.

3) start reading a lot of books: School can't teach us everything, School will only give the objective about life, but not the theoretical aspect. There are lots of experiences you gain through the books you read, you'll learn 10 times more than you've learned in your high school or college. Reading is a great way to learn necessary things that are not covered in class.

4) stop trying to live someone else life: Don't use people's values to measure your accomplishment, doing so will make you feel unfulfilled. Learn how to live life in your term not what people want you to be, do things because you feel that's how it should be. If you don't do it now, you'll never have the time to do it again, this life belongs to you and nobody, you don't have to sit around waiting to start living your life, the time is now.

5) stop feeling bad about the past: Having a regretful mindset about the past is not healthy. There's a difference between people who live their lives looking back and people who live their lives looking forward. And you'll recognize these people when you see them. But it is more advisable to live our lives looking forward because people who look back are constantly looking for things to regret " I should have gone to that college, I should have married that girl, I should do this and that" they keep regretting series of occurrence of their past, this makes them see life as series of failures. If you want to make our 20s count, we have to forget about the past and strive to build a better future.

6) Start showing loved ones you care: Make it a habit to y show it if you really care about someone. It's not all about constant contact, some little gesture with kind words can go a long way. look for a way mutual way to share your life with people you care most about and if it's your partner try your best to show love without taking anything for granted.

7) Start taking care of your health: This is one of the most important things you must consider in your 20s, once it's gone we can't bring it back, most people value money more than their health which should not be. Take out your time to do exercise because it's crucial at this juncture of life. Because it will help you to stay fit and in building your muscles.

8) start asking questions: when you ask questions, you'll get a different viewpoint from people. All of our lives are enriched when we share the ideas of others, either to an incredible or lesser extent .spending more time to listen to others makes you seek for knowledge which helps you to strengthen your personal relationship. because you'll always want to learn and improve.

9) Start practicing mindfulness: You can cultivate mindfulness by setting a period of time every day or week for meditation as this will help you to become more aware of your thoughts and feelings. During meditation, you can have an open conversation with yourself on how you're feeling.

Though sometimes some people find it difficult to mediate due to certain reasons, there are things that will make you stay focused during meditation, i'm not going to talk much about that here, you can click here to get the full gist about mindfulness (meditation)

10) start conducting weekly review: This is a great way to look back at the past week to know how far you have gone, and there are three things you must consider while making your weekly review

  • Things that went well in the past week, celebrate it if you can, and continue with the act

  • Things that didn't go well, is either you remove it from your plate or you overcome it.

  • Then base on the 1st and 2nd view above, check the changes you need to make to make the coming week a better one.

These are still little things you should put into practice to make your 20s a good one to live and to remember, there's are still more things you can do, but I'll be stopping here, your contribution is welcome.

          Thanks for your time.

This post can also be found here



You have written it well. I see much sense in your piece. Thanks for sharing

You're welcome. I trust you read through. Certainly , it's gonna gonna go a long way ...

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I don't want to make the most of my 20's I'm leaving it soon hahaha. But we'll I guess the way I lived it wasn't disappointing.

@tipu curate

Nice to know about that, you made me laugh, that's means you made it count then, probably the next decade is gonna be an amazing one 😊
Thanks for stopping by.