
It was mostly anti vaxxer stuff until covid came along. It's been a lllloooonnnngggg road of reading materials to try and decipher. Some people will just grab onto a sentence and run with it, like one the other day someone posted an article that they quoted a sentence as an absolute finding but failed to finish the observation that the finding was not significantly above normal compared to the population overall.

Outside of this experimental vaccine(s) with covid I think it's important for kids to get vaccinated, maybe it's because I got both the chicken pox and measles when I was a kid and I remember the painful experience it was. I remember vividly laying on the couch screaming in pain for my mom to make it stop as she put warm compresses on my back to solve the pain. I may be inclined to believe it's not wise to vaccinate a kid with all their shots at once but the reality is that's why they have them scheduled out and if parents miss those intervals whose fault is that? It's not science's fault that parents skip out then find themselves being denied getting their kids in school because they lack their required shots. I've seen it way to many times kids getting all their shots at once so they can go to school.

I think it is a general problem if someone wants to find the absolute truth on a social platform. Not even academic journals can give you that. Anyway...who are we to show what's good or bad? However, for me, being a bad person is much worse than being misinformed. In fact, I have higher expectations from so supposed informed people.

Going along to get along does tend to work out much better, you don't suffer to much brain drain writing witless jabs and one meaningless one liners. You should work out well on here.

The idea is that I do enough research for my work. I want to relax in HIVE without caring too much about how specific or not is a person...or other little details. I can connect with someone or not - some kind of HIVE-zapping. Intellectual debates can also be interesting in Hive or in more appropriate places...but this is definitely not my primary goal here.