Become an invictus

in Proof of Brain3 years ago (edited)

Positive & rational thinking is the best way to live life in this world, but there are difficult times that come to attack our spirit, creating feelings of uncertainty, which is basically unpleasant, now the cool thing is that lately on social media there is a trending term, namely "Mager" aka lazy movement is the expression of people who are attacked by bad moods.

Various kinds of ways will definitely be done to restore the spirit in the hope of being able to return to fit as before, starting from sports, going on vacation, gathering, but the question is what about people who are lazy to move? It must be difficult, yes, to run along the road, let alone to jog, moving from the sofa is not capable.

Do you believe that all the conditions we experience start from within our minds, in this case if our argument is true, it is very possible that lazy movement starts from within our heads, how can we recover it? The best tips that can be done is by reading inspirational words, motivational words & wise words that have a high value on human survival.

Here Mimin (myself) has prepared three super inspirational phrases that will increase the reader's energy

"The most important thing is to enjoy your life, to be happy, no matter what." - Audrey Hepburn.

What is very interesting about Audrey Hepburn 's statement is that she does not mention that one has to be something in order to get something, but she asks everyone to always enjoy life in all circumstances so that they can be happy.

Doesn't every one of us want to be happy? If this is true then there is nothing wrong with learning to enjoy every moment that happens in life, make every incident a precious moment that will never be repeated a second time, don't waste the moment that comes because it will go away quickly

"I always try to turn misfortune into opportunity." - John D Rockefeller

The greatest success in human life is changing everything from impossible to possible, changing life from suffering to happiness and this is what is called eternal success.

“Stay away from those people who try to disparage your ambitions. Small minds will always do that, but great minds will give you a feeling that you can become great too.” — Mark Twain

Most people today think that "I can't do this, I can't do that, I can't possibly do it", forget it because every action will say nothing impossible which plays a role in helping every decision in your life.

As we discussed at the beginning of the post "positive thinking" is the best lamp that will illuminate every path to the building of happiness, it is very, very impossible for someone to live a calm, enthusiastic, happy, focused & consistent life if the way of thinking is not positive .

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Thank you for sharing your story. If I may ask, what did you mean by the below quoted statement?

Here Mimin has prepared three super inspirational phrases that will increase the reader's energy.

You then go on to discuss only two different quotes, but two different people.

Aside from that, I appreciate your message of positivity. Thank you, again.

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@scholaris.pob first of all i am excited that such a lovely person read my writeup....

Secondly "Mimin"is my nick name....but i have put it in a way to make people undertsand that i was referring to myself...

Was typing so fast,i omitted the third quote...i have added the third quote...thanks for dropping by..

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Thank you. I appreciate your response.