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RE: Are you willing to fight for humanity?

in Proof of Brain3 years ago

I will never compromise on my values and if by chance I am persicuted for it, I won't mind it(: ...that's for sure. I keep writing articles on injustice and many things, I just can't help it.

I know it has costed people dearly in my country for protesting now against injustice.

For example - Stan Swamy died because he was arrested for fighting using the laws of land, for the rights of tribals to their land. And I wrote an article about it here on Hive.

In the end, I will not accept something wrong, I will stay by my values and believes and live by them and I know that will inspire others just a tat bit. Anyway.


Fantastic, I respect your resolve! Also, I read your article about Stan Swamy. I fear that it may have been the COVID-19 vaccine that resulted in his death. Most people get pretty ill after taking the vaccine. And allegedly, people higher in age are at greater risk.

So stan was already sick, and on top of that, they had given him the COVID-19 vaccine, which was dangerous and probably shouldn't have happened. They say the cause of death was a heart attack, and recently they had to put warnings on both the Moderna and Pfizer-BioNTech vaccines that they can cause an increased risk of both myocarditis and pericarditis.

I don't know how sick he was or if he would have pulled through, but it seems to me the vaccine may have been what done him in. I'm sorry to hear about this. From the little I've read so far, it seems he was a great help to those in need. The world needs more people like that!