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RE: Step by step

in Proof of Brain3 years ago

This project sounds interesting. I like the idea direct investment is not required. It sounds similar to the bitcoin myk project. My only issue with many of these projects is i believe the cost to enter into to them will be too great for most people. So i'm concerned about liquidity and how many new people can be introduced. Seems like it will once again be a project with the same participants.

So the one difference with bitcoin myk it forks bitcoin and it's a purely freemium service model. Meaning it can run earn coins have value without one single dollar of investment. So this means the mainstream will enter into it as time goes on and grow a bigger base as well as use the bbd coin that is quite stable but goes up. In any event pob to me at the very least seems like a better concept than the other tribes. Whether it actually goes any place will be interesting to watch. However still i like the concept.

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