Accept the change and keep moving

When we have something nice happening in our life, we wish to freeze those times and be in it forever, but that's not how life works. The one thing that continuously happening in life to us is the life itself which is full of surprises and changes. A day up and a day down, a day good and a day that we do not want. Change is all the time happening in our life and we need to keep moving ahead with the change. What may work for us on one day, not necessary the same will work on an other day. Change will happen and we need to go with that flow of change and adapt. If we do not then we will not be in a peaceful state of mind.

The more we struggle to accept the change in our life, the difficult it gets for us. At one point of time, I always thought that I am person who can only do a job and anything of my own I will never succeed. I could not think of doing anything besides being in a full time job for getting me an income. Then came a time in my life where I was pushed in a direction where I had no choice but to leave my job. For a long time I was very restless because I could not buy in the idea of not working, as I strongly believed that my source of income can only be a full time job. I was very unhappy in those times. But then the Universe was also very hard on me in that time, it just did not give me what I wanted, and kept pushing me in a different direction. I eventually compromised and accepted the change and now I am very happy with the change that I accepted and made in my life.


If I look back, I feel it was all so much needed for my own spiritual growth. Today if someone tells me to go back to a full time job and the old life, I would never for a million dollar also. I am so happy with what I am doing now and that myth of mine is broken that I can only earn through a full time job. Now I do many things, multitask and I am very happy, I am at peace. But it does not mean it ends here. I am sure there will be changes to this life as well and something new will come in. Nowadays I also eagerly look forward to changes because I get so bored with the same things.

Changes keep happening in our life, nothing is permanent. Life is a school, the moment we learn one lesson we are progressed to another one and then the other, we never stop, and if we try to stop the Universe finds it own ways to make us progress. Even the tough times of life, we must not despair because they are not permanent, nothing is permanent, it will change, all it requires for us is to learn the lesson and move ahead with positive intentions in life.

Thank you for visiting my blog. 👼🏻👼🏻💖💖🌹🌺🌸



"Unlimited Abundance, Blissful Happiness and Unconditional Love"

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Hello mam, great content shared by you, shall I ask you someting on discord?

Yes, sure. You can reach me on Nainaz#5209

Such wonderful words, Nainaz.
I am deeply touched, read every single word of this post and felt like I am writing this post.
Sometimes in life same situation same thing can happen to lot many people, that is what I am experiencing with your post.
Thank you so much...felt your words like my own.

Thank you dear Amit, we all keep going through our ups and downs, but we must not fear to move ahead. Life is simple and complex at the same time, and the best at times is to surrender and trust the process.
Warm regards to you

The Greek philosopher Heraclitus used to say "the only constant in life is change". Wise words from a wise soul. Sometimes we get pulled in one direction as it's beneficial for our growth but we resist because we're only familiar with the push strategy so to speak. Beautiful things happen when we let go and allow life to flow through us. I'm glad you let go of the "full time job belief" and embraced a new journey 👍✨

True, when we let go off the control it is much easier to pave the way of life and also solutions come very easily, this has been my personal experience. Thank you for the nice reflection you have shared

That's right, when life knows that you need to change and readjust to grow, then it hints at you and if you don't take it, it pushes you to modify that which is no longer working for you.
It is like a chip that changes as time goes by.
The good thing is to accept and be grateful for those changes, because I know many people who only want to go back to the past.

Universe has it's own way of teaching us and making us move forward, we have to trust in the magic of it and also try to listen to what it is wanting to tell us.
Past will be good or not good, but staying in either of it will stop our progress in life. Thank you for sharing your thoughts

I really enjoyed reading your post, I loved your reflection... I agree with you, I recognize that sudden changes produce uncertainty and we are paralyzed by the uncertainty of moving forward or accepting the twists of fate, many times it will be more comfortable to cling to our routine to feel the peace to which we are accustomed. In these times of change fear acts as an anchor and prevents our ship from taking other courses, we must think that the Universe always acts from love and that we have the ability to overcome all the storms that arise, because our soul has the roots and strength of a warrior.
Happy afternoon, hugs and blessings! @nainaztengra

You said it very right, we feel very comfortable with our routines and do not want change, even if it is for good, we just fear the unknown and do not like to get out of the old.
Best wishes to you @kristal24

What a nice read @nainaztengra! What you felt before about your full time job is what I'm feeling now. But there's a part of me who wants to go out of my comfort zone one day.

Hope all is well with you! 😊