When you get what you Manifest................

in Proof of Brain11 months ago

We believe in the power of manifestation and also follow it. Manifestations are one way of drawing things towards you what you want in life. A desirable job, or a partner, or money or anything that your heart wishes to and you find it challenging to achieve. When you find it is challenging you put that extra effort in manifesting it and allowing the power of law of attraction to work for you.

But when you get what you have manifested, then what? Does the feeling still remain the same and do you still value it the same way as you did when you did not have it. When we manifest something and get it, then after that what matters is our Discipline to hold it and retain it. If one manifests for Love in their life and when they get that special person, then that cannot be taken for granted. There has to be a value to what has been gained and then a lot of discipline to keep that with you. If one starts acting irrationally then it is possible to lose what has been manifested. So, discipline is very important to retain.

And then it should not stop at just retaining it, from there one has to multiply it with wisdom, then that's the way of showing gratitude to whatever has been manifested. A person who wants to become very rich and keeps manifesting for money, abundance, prosperity. When this person achieves it, then the person needs good sense and discipline to retain that money and from there on the person needs to multiply it and not let it go down.


I was watching some videos on what has happened to some of the biggest lottery winners around the world. When they won the lottery, they received huge amount of money, but some of them did not have good sense to use it and they got carried away with spending on extravagant lifestyle and over a period of time lost everything that they gained and back to from where it had all started. This is really sad when one cannot be in balance and stay grounded. That's the reason that some of the generations old rich people do not really value the new rich, because they do not know how to retain it and multiply it. Specially with money it can easily go over one's head.

This can also apply to people who gain from the Crypto markets. In the last 6 years that I have been involved in this market, I have heard some stories of how people have gained and lost it all. One of the stories that I heard some time ago from a friend was that, one person he knew had made good fortune from Cryptos and from that he went onto buying expensive things like a big car, extravagant holidays and all and spent all that he had profited and now back to the start point again. He should have had good sense to multiply his gains and not go overboard spending on things that could not get him any returns. It can be due to greed also and can be because of not knowing how to manage it. One should spend but with good planning. Reinvesting and being mindful that while they spend some part of the capital amount also multiplies.

It's just not about money manifestation, it can be anything, after achieving it if we do not value it then it can be easily lost then gained. Good sense, discipline and wisdom is needed and moreover grounding to be in balance.

Thank you for visiting my blog. 👼🏻👼🏻💖💖🌹🌺🌸



"Unlimited Abundance, Blissful Happiness and Unconditional Love"

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Well, for easy money, the easier it came, the easier it's to lose. Prolly applies to other things as well, like you referred to love etc.

When we get something very easily we do not value it and in the bargain can end up losing it. Specially with money, it's very easy to get carried away.

I used to struggle with grounding, almost everything comes and goes and I couldn't retain any of it. Getting it is one thing, keeping it is a whole different thing. I think that's were the real work begins and building discipline is a great way to establish structure/grounding so that we can retain what we've manifested and also, multiply it through wisdom.

The same has happened with me in the past, as one point of time I was struggling financially. I earned well but my outflow was much more then my inflow, you can say lack of grounding and it took me a long time to set myself in to this discipline and making things better gradually.

Right, lack of grounding creates an off balance state in which one side is more than the other. The sooner we learn and start implementing a way to retain what we have, the better we will be able to handle bigger manifestations when they come :)