Mangos (En/Es) | POB photoconcest: Yellow - Amarillo

in Proof of Brain2 years ago (edited)



The mango is a fruit native from the South Asia but nowadays it grows in almost all non-desert and low altitudes areas of the tropical and subtropical regions. They are a large number of variety of mangos (or mangoes) with different sizes, colors, all of them very tasty. They one that I show in today’s photos is a variety characterized by its deep yellow color of its skin. This variety is called mango Ataúlfo.


El mongo es una fruta nativa del sur de Asia, sin embargo en la actualidad se crece en casi todas las áreas tropicales y sub-tropicales no desérticas y de baja latitud. Hay una gran variedad de mangos de diferentes colores y tamaños, pero todos ellos de muy buen sabor. Los que muestro en las fotografías de hoy son de una piel de color amarillo bien profundo, este tipo es llamado Mango Ataúlfo.


These images are my entry to the #pobphotocontest (organized by @friendlymoose), this week topic is ”yellow”. The rules of this contest can be read here .
Con estas imagens estoy participando en el concurso fotográfico #pobphotocontest (organizado por @friendlymoose). El tema de esta semana es ”amarillo” . Las reglas que rigen esta competencia se encuentran en este enlace .


These photos were taken at the fruit section of a supermarket using the artificial light of the store. The camera used was of a Samsung Galaxy S20 and Gimp was used for editing the images.
Estas fotografías fueron tomadas en la sección de frutas de un supermercado usando la iluminación artificial del establecimiento. La cámara utilizada fue la de un Samsung Galaxy S20 y Gimp se usó para la edición de las imágenes.

Thank you for visiting my blog. I hope that you enjoyed the post.
Gracias por pasearse por mi blog y espero que el post haya sido de su agrado.

Images by @nenio — All rights reserved


I didn't know there were yello mango's as well. Over here they are always green from the outside. But we only have then in the supermarket.
Thanks for joining the #POBphotocontest

I know the mangos that we can find in northern and central Europe, are of the type that you mentioned; they mainly come from central and south America.
In general there is a huge variety of mangoes, but the ones exported to Europe, USA, Canada, etc are the big ones with skin green and reddish.
Best regards.

Thanks for the info. I always keep learning new things on here.