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RE: Happy Caturday: thinking about my orange cats and how to keep them happy.

in Proof of Brainlast month

Get a humane cat trap and trap and sterilise the intruders, they are probably males that have wandered from their homes. If they remain nearby and seem hungry then feed them, and let them all slowly get used to each other. After sterilisation, they may stay around but be less troublesome and eventually stop roaming. It will save their lives too, that's how some of my cats came to live with me.


Thanks a lot for your kind suggestion. It would be tricky to find a trap for a ‘wild’ cat. This aggressive cat would never let me touch him so it would be quite risky handling him. As I wasn’t there all the time, things could get quite complicated as my gardener wouldn’t like to deal with strange cats. I will have to think of ways to trap this cat and release it at the fishermen’ s village. But I doubt if we could trap such a smart cat. The trap might trap my orange cat instead! 🙀