Happy Caturday: thinking about my orange cats and how to keep them happy.

in Proof of Brainlast month

During the last two weeks, the smaller orange cat (Kwan) has become very attached to me. She would spend most of her day in the sitting room. So, I had to wake her up and take her to the garden to make sure she did go to her toilet. Then, I had to trick her into running around. If that didn’t work, I had to put her on the high tree branch so she would do some climbing. To my disappointment, Kwan refused to climb higher as you used to do in the past. She sharpened her claws on the bark of the tree then she would jump down. I couldn’t make my cat do some exercise.



Since her bigger brother moved to my neighbour’s house, Kwan became more subdued and less active. Joan would come to visit once or twice a week. Kwan would always be delighted to see Joan again and she would keep close to him. However, Joan seemed indifferent to Kwan’s presence. This I couldn’t understand and it puzzled me every time. Kwan would lick her brother affectionately while he just enjoyed this quietly. Joan rarely licked Kwan or showed his affection. I wished he would tell he why he changed so much.



Luckily, my neighbour liked my cat as she used to feed their mother who also migrated to her house as she got older. There’s some strange trait of being a loner among this orange bloodline. They liked to be the only cat in the house! Sometimes my neighbour went away over a week, so the Joan had to search for food and company by dropping by at our house. Joan would stay for a day or two before he went off into the dark night. I wondered if I did something wrong to displease him.



I was very glad that Kwan hadn’t followed her brother on his expedition or migrated to the other house. Kwan was the smallest kitten who used to be very timid and shy. It took me ages to tame her and gained her trust. I was surprised to see Kwan seeking my company and wanted to be near me. But I was afraid that she would become too dependent on me and got used to her comfort zone. That’s why I had to trick her out side to enjoy the garden by herself from time to time. Kwan shouldn’t lose her wild instinct for survival as I couldn’t be there to look after her all the time. I did feel rather guilty for leaving her with my gardener who preferred dogs to cats. But she has learned to be kind to cats, though she wouldn’t pet cats.


Joan and Kwan had their own favourite spots for napping.


During the past two weeks, I had to confront two stray cats in my house. The very aggressive cat was a black and white cat who kept dropping by to have cat food in the opened kitchen on the ground floor. The second one was a young grey cat with dark markings. My orange cat was too considerate and didn’t want to bother me. So she had to retreat her steps until she was sitting on the railing in front of my room. I only discovered her situation when I opened the door and found the grey cat sitting in front on my door preventing Kwan from reaching towards me.


Joan liked to sleep on my bed as it’s very quiet and much cooler in the bedroom.


That intruding cat ran away as fast as he could, I followed him with my torch light to frighten him off. I was very surprised that Kwan just sat their precariously without utter a noise. So, I told her that she should cry out for help as soon as the aggressor came into our house. The following night, Kwan did cry out loudly for me, so I could protect her well before the attack. The black and white cat was quite fierce and wanted to attack my cat and to frighten her away. These two stray cats had the same idea! They wanted to conquer and to rule the house.



The stubborn attitude of these stray cats troubled me deeply. I had no idea how to solve thus problem. My gardener couldn’t be there at night to keep watch of strange intruders. Had Joan been around, things would have been very different. I had seen Joan having a shouting match with the black and white cat at the gate. He wouldn’t let that cat entered into the front yard. I did wish and pray for Joan to drop by the house more often. Then I had to phone my gardener to see if Joan had been backed lately.



I still thought about finding two kittens to keep Kwan company. But it’s a bit difficult to have two nice kittens by coincidence. I wondered if this would make Kwan happier and safer as these kittens would grow bigger and could protect Kwan and the house too. I thought that if it was meant to be, somehow the right kittens would just appear at our house. If they were supposed to be with us, they would just turned up one day. That’s how I found my first orange cat under the mango tree in the field nearby. So, I am still waiting for the right solution to keep my cat happy and feeling more secured. I prayed for the land spirit to look after my cat during my absence.



Wishing you peace, good health and prosperity.

Stay strong and cheerful.


Get a humane cat trap and trap and sterilise the intruders, they are probably males that have wandered from their homes. If they remain nearby and seem hungry then feed them, and let them all slowly get used to each other. After sterilisation, they may stay around but be less troublesome and eventually stop roaming. It will save their lives too, that's how some of my cats came to live with me.

Thanks a lot for your kind suggestion. It would be tricky to find a trap for a ‘wild’ cat. This aggressive cat would never let me touch him so it would be quite risky handling him. As I wasn’t there all the time, things could get quite complicated as my gardener wouldn’t like to deal with strange cats. I will have to think of ways to trap this cat and release it at the fishermen’ s village. But I doubt if we could trap such a smart cat. The trap might trap my orange cat instead! 🙀

I agree with Nikv, the intruders are probably males that want to dominate the house. I am glad Kwan cried out to you for help as you told her to. Hopefully, the perfect kittens will arrive to keep her company.

Yup! It seemed this stray cat was bent on chasing Kwan away. Luckily Kwan understood me and cried out for my help. He was very smart and didn’t appear during daytime. My gardener would chase him away as well. I asked my gardener about done kind of net for catching this aggressive cat.

I might have to drug him one day! So we could catch him easily. The right kind of trap is very difficult to find. I need to know someone dealing with animals conservation and borrow a trap.

We will have to see if the situation become much worse, then drastic action would be needed.

Wonderful pictures.. Kittens are on the way // 😄

Thank you very much. My gardener told me Joan came to visit Kwan for two days.

That is good to hear. Lets hope he keeps doing it //

Wow Joan just moved out like that? You must be so upset. Your neighbour just keeps your cat?

Those two bad ones! I hope you find a solution. A big dog haha.

Yup! Joan walked out one day! We thought he went on an adventure like his aunt Rosy. But we found him at our next door neighbour’s house. She gave him grilled fish so he’s hooked.
She was very fond of him too. At least Joan still remembers us and came to visit sometimes.

Those nasty cats were quite persistent. I need to hire some guard dogs!