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RE: Building with 2nd Layer Hive-Engine Tokens: Why do They Sometimes STOP?

in Proof of Brainlast year

Most of the tribe outposts' stuff is automated and when there is a glitch, I suppose it happens that it skips a day... I think that you don't lose your curation rewards as they are just adding up in the meantime... (not 100% sure about that)

It's not that I defend some of the tribes, but it is true that some of the tribes are created by inexperienced users in coding, tokenomics, and business in general, and that's why most of them aren't doing that well unfortunately...


You're definitely right about the curation rewards continuing to accumulate... some of the ones I have been active in have actually gone as long as 60 days with no payouts, and then they suddenly resume, including the whole backlog.

I expect a lot of the people who start these also don't have any idea of how much work it takes to build and run a community to success.
