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RE: A reply to @Whatsup ... and allowing bad ideas to proliferate...

in Proof of Brain3 years ago

Let the of thrones begin

How azircon feels now is probably close to what feeling empty is. Sociopaths are incapable of feeling but they are sure good mimics. I wonder what kind of sick shit will set this fucker off to travel to an account and fuck them up. simply because he believes he can. so he does.

My take on crypto, on how they will implement take over of its stake from the masses.

They are already doing it. Depopulation is a great tactic to cause inflation on crypto after a time. How many wallets filled with crypto. just.. "Burned".

Currently they can't do nothing. yet, if we let them that is.

The globalists of this world are already cutting out the strings of life.

And we know who in this community would be more than willing to follow their agenda, so long as they keep their steak stronger than the others. People like azircon become the biased police force over social media meanwhile outside the computer screens we have the NWO police. Forcing our door down because we said too much on hive. "Honorably reported by azircunt and his teammates. his fraternity fuck buddies im sure.

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