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RE: Commentary — Modern Life: Priced Out of Existence?

Is the cost of housing rising much faster than incomes?


I do feel costs of living rise so much faster than income. For us, personally, it's not so much of a problem yet. We switched to a more expensive house, but I always make sure to leave a lot of wiggle room. We can 'survive' on hubby's income alone. We can live a comfortable life when I work aswell. The bank does own our house, but my goal is, and always has been, to pay these loans off faster than the 'standard' 30 years (and work less). Then, the biggest financial issue left is the ever growing home values, which results in ever growing taxes and insurances.

I dream of moving to another country at some point. One where prices aren't as crazy as here in the Netherlands. Just can't get hubby to join me in such an adventure, so I fear I'm stuck here.