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RE: The Power Of Silence

in Proof of Brain3 years ago

You are right dear @kemmyb, we need time to pause, pause for a moment, leaving behind everything around us. It's very necessary for our inner growth.

Just like you, me too falls in the category of introverts. I prefer silence, but i have seen many people who will keep saying anything and anything but they will not stay silent for a minute. Actually they can not stay alone even for a small period of time.

According to my viewpoint if you can not enjoy your me-time, if you can not be with yourself comfortably, it becomes a little tough to make others live comfortable with you. All of the time you will be just trying to force them to be with you or to talk to you. And I think that is not good.

I am a fan of Master Rumi, and He alsontalks a lot about silence in his poetry. Till date all the spiritual Masters, i read or listened, emphasize upon pause, relax, silence, meditate and smile😊

Thank you for your nice post,
Have a good time ahead.😊
May God bless alll


... I have seen many people who will keep saying anything

Hehe, I know what you mean as I have people like this around me and I often ask them that don't they get tired of talking? It's part of their personality and we have to accept them like that. Importantly, we should create some time to relax in silence and appreciate the world around us.

Thanks dear for your insightful comment. 😊