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RE: Embodiment Tools, Internal Blocks and Mindset - Invitation To A Free Webinar For Female Entrepreneurs

in Proof of Brain3 years ago

Ah, good question!

One of my old best friends tends to have this mindset and it seems that she is stuck to it.

I do believe that envisioning and wishing for something to happen is helping our mindset and the structure and passion for our decision-making. I am an NLP coach, BUT I know how manifestation works. It it is not related only to foreseeing or making your own prediction. It works if you live on the energy of those thoughts, mainly. Imaginative thoughts, predictions, foreseeing will not stop something from happening. Only our limited mindset driven by fear will stop things from happening. We act according to what we believe.

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yes dear! fear and anger that's what the ego feeds upon.
interesting facts on NLP, I've read a book called "the real mind control". it was my first encounter with NLP and found it fascinating.
I used to associate the russian mafia song "mama ima a criminal" with the courage anchor. then, i believed in the power of that science.

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Hack that ego!
Unleash yourself ;)

NLP is like any other tool. You can use it ethically and help others or manipulative and smash hammer. Since metaphors are allowed in POB, let's have some fun.

I'll look for that song when I take a break to see the climax of the anchoring point. hihi, really I am a curious cat and will look for it!

Pseudo-science that is nothing without practice, that is NLP

Tomorrow I start my POB curation. Write to me if you have a good article you want me to curate for you.

Hugs and thank you so much for today's wonderful enagegement!

It's so good to find people like you!

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Hugs! and thank you as well for the brilliant topics you generate @regenerette
I feel the most expressive self when commenting on your post. it's like what ever you share makes sense to me and have something to say about.

wait up for my upcoming posts. it's going to be

LEGEND...wait for it... DARY !

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I'm a curious cat!
Tag me to make sure I see them or write to me here or on Twitter.

Sometimes I do several things. Start one, then after finishing it go to another and I don't want to skip your content.

I am happy my articles have value to you and to others.


I look forward to your ideas!