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RE: Every Abuse Lasts For As Long As We Allow It

in Proof of Brain3 years ago

Spanish flu lasted for three years (it had three waves in each of the three winters).

So if this pandemic is over by the end of this year, we'll be lucky.

I'm in the UK and we're all getting vaccinated (I've been jabbed with no ill effects). The vaccination is working, deaths have dropped despite everything opening. Now when you get covid it's just a sniffle and a cough that lasts about three days, it's no longer life threatening for those who have been vaccinated.

So my guess is that the UK will have ended the pandemic completely by about autumn. Not sure about other countries though.


The UK is the worst example in handling this pandemic.

Disagree. The pandemic is over in the UK, but it will still be going for another year in the rest of the world... Which means the rest of the world will be under financial stress while the UK economy goes back to normal.

Will see about that.

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