All Synthwave, All 80's, All At Once - Three Tune Tuesday

in Proof of Brainlast year

(Taken from Shibuya Sky 12/22)

It's so weird being part of an era that never existed, only in movies and song. I'm talking about the 80's future and our image of what it would be 20 or 30 years in the future. That future is now, we're living in it, but only halfway. I am in Tokyo, one of the futuristic cities of the 80's. I guess it's futuristric compared to the state of the modern world as the trains run on time here, everything is clean, orderly, neon and accented with 10 story digital billboards. Much like the first video in my playlist of synthwave tunes, The Midnight's "Shadows".

The Midnight pulled off something amazing, they incorporated much of the 80's sound brilliantly and thrust us all back into that 80's future that never existed.

Just when you thought 80's synthwave was complete though, they dug into the Miami Vice pocket and pulled out one of the most amazing saxophone leads I've heard in a song. Try to not enjoy this tune, The Midnight's "Vampires".

As I stroll around the city of the future these are the types of tunes I have on my playlist. It has an especially potent effect at night with the neon lights, crowds and skyline. However, I prefer snare drums and craft beer, unlike The Midnight's "Kick Drums and Red Wine".

There are an amazing amount of great synthwave tunes being composed, but there is something extraordinary about The Midnight. They nail the sound, the mood, almost like they are visitors to our decade from a decade in a timeline that never existed except in song and movies. Enjoy your week with music & dreams of the future!

(Taken from Shibuya Sky 12/22)

Thanks to @boxcarblue for introducing me to #TTT and @ablaze for dreaming it up.

As always, thanks for reading!


It's so weird being part of an era that never existed, only in movies and song. I'm talking about the 80's future and our image of what it would be 20 or 30 years in the future. That future is now, we're living in it, but only halfway. I am in Tokyo, one of the futuristic cities of the 80's. I guess it's futuristric compared to the state of the modern world as the trains run on time here, everything is clean, orderly, neon and accented with 10 story digital billboards.

Great intro and excellent #ttt post, I had not heard of these folks before and like what I hear, especially that last tune, a real thumper.. and what about that break dancing!!! Feckin class!!

Thanks. Wish I could phrase it better.