COVID-19 Post-Vaccine Treatment Protocol

in Proof of Brain2 years ago

Another ambulance appeared next to my home the other day. My wife and I hear at least 3-5 ambulances a day going by our home, no exaggeration. In addition I have 3 family members who have recently come down with serious, deadly health issues. They are all vaccinated and boosted. Since I am not and have been keenly dialed into COVID since Jan. 2020, I decided I had to help them, or at least offer them the information I know of. I hope this post will help you or people you know who are having sudden health issues. That is my goal, to help you help others. So, let's get started.

This first treatment protocol comes from the FLCCC Alliance(Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance), a non-profit started in March 2020 by among others, Dr. Paul Marik & Dr. Pierre Kory.
It is a protocol for the professional provider more so than the individual.

The next protocol is from the World Council of Health and is geared more for the individual to cleanse their bodies.

I have been practicing some of these treatments since 2020, especially the zinc & quercetin routine, but also getting much more physically fit than I have ever been in my life.

One treatment that surprised me is intermittent fasting. According to several doctors fasting is a way to cleanse your body of damaged cells, misc. proteins and other things that can cause your body problems. My wife has been doing 12-16hr fasting almost everyday for about 1 year. She has immense energy that I envy so I'm going to start doing the 12hr. fasting, then shoot for 16hr.

Anyway, I hope this helps you improve your health, defense against viruses & illness and offers hope to those of you injured or people you know who have been injured.

Of course, as the Dr.s have noted, this is information purposes only. You should consult your healthcare provider if any of this is right for you. If they laugh, maybe you should contact FLCCC for a Dr. who can offer a second opinion.

Thanks for reading!


One treatment that surprised me is intermittent fasting. According to several doctors fasting is a way to cleanse your body of damaged cells, misc. proteins and other things that can cause your body problems. My wife has been doing 12-16hr fasting almost everyday for about 1 year. She has immense energy that I envy so I'm going to start doing the 12hr. fasting, then shoot for 16hr.

That's interesting! I practiced fasting in my student days for a few days at a time. Haven't done it since. In part because we live right next to a konbini so the snacking urge is too easy to fulfill and I haven't been disciplined enough to prevent it. But I'd like to try intermittent fasting. I'm the opposite of you. I am probably at the worst health of my life. I'm still working off weight gained from the initial covid lockdown. I really need to turn this around.

When you think back do you remember if the fasting made a difference?

I've always been fairly active through work and xtreme sports, but the last 5 years even that couldn't keep the weight gain from beers and junk food off so I started working out. It's given me a new lease on life. Working out feels really damn good, especially when your body starts shaping up. Taking pictures around the city has also gotten me out on 5-10km walks which has helped me stay fit too.

I hear ya though, with a 7-11 across the street from me it's hard staying away from the nanachiken or donuts & pastries. I'm just glad the LeRepas is further away.

I am almost excited to see if the fasting produces noticeable results. According to the science it should.

Sorry @rt395 - missed your reply. I'm trying out this new frontend that tracks all replies to me better.

When I did fasting before, it was more of a mental thing. I won't say spiritual, though it did come from my Zen practice, but it was more to clear my head so I don't remember any physical benefits. If I do it this time it will be mostly for the opposite, for those health effects.

I've always been pretty active too. I ride my bicycle at least a few km around the city everyday to various jobs and try to get at least one photowalk in too. But the first lockdown kind of did me in. Everything moved online and I was moving less. That spells weight gain. I'm still recovering from that.

A lot of people who believed the government are now realising they may have done permanent damage to their hearts.

I feel great sympathy for most because the pressure to jab was so strong only the most independent and brave could resist.

Ya, I honestly feel for them so I am trying to get this info out anyway I can. I think there is hope for a lot of people, but once you get myocarditis it's irreversible with current technology.

It has been very tough for my wife and our children. My wife has not been able to go to the US because she wouldn't get vaxxed. Somehow I was allowed to travel back and forth from Japan though. Luckily Japan wasn't as strict on greencard holders as the US. Unfortunately it's thoroughly black pilled me on our future.

I hope you and your's are safe & healthy.

I’m on the 12 hour fasting routine and would like to soon move to 16. Just got to stop the evening snacking.

I think 12 is easy to do, but 16 will be a challenge. Do you feel any different?

Somewhat more energy in the mornings. Once you get in the fasting mode, it is actually fairly easy to commit to the longer durations.