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RE: POB: Favourite Article of The Day 008

in Proof of Brain3 years ago (edited)

My #FAOTD is one by @calumam Adjust the dimmer switch . What I love about this article on Eureka moments is that it explores the longevity of expectation of eureka moments in ones life. I love the perspective taken. Nicely balanced, poignant with a dash of humour. Highly recommend @calumam 's take on the Word of the week contest that he runs. #faotd #dcc

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A nice choice Sam, I love @calumams work especially that which explains the word of the week from his own perspective, an interesting piece which leaves you thinking afterwards, could I have had some of those Eureka moments, albeit we all have but are they truly Euraka moments or just wishful thinking on our own parts.

Great to see you back, sometimes we all need a little distraction from the rom the madness that surrounds us.

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