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RE: Bitter Word of the Week (S4W3)

in Proof of Brain2 years ago

Ok. Well, thankfully, things will be calmer for me over the next week. Also, I have an additional person helping out with curating and grading. These are my first two errors of this contest. I can't afford any.


I don't think they are 'your' errors per se. The tags need to be correct to be picked up. I think it is just unfortunate that the entries were overlooked as a result. Can you confirm exactly how the tagging should be made? I know your post mentions..."don't forget the hashtag" but just to be clear, by that do you mean the actual # before the words pob-wotw like #pob-wotw, or do you refer generically to 'pob-wotw' as 'the hashtag' ?

I think @jaxsonmurph makes a great point about the differences in tagging between the different versions of the POB frontends. perhaps we can get some clarification of what tagging format is needed when posting from the different frontends, to ensure that you are able to pick up all posts. I found that doing a search in vs gave me different results🤔

@scholaris these were not your errors Pal, I have been made aware that my posts haven't been showing in the proofofbrainio front end feeds when posted via the or .blog front ends.

It might be a difference of algorythms or coding between the front ends and the use of #tags is different in each.

In the blue brain if you use the # before your tag it appears as two ## before the tag and isn't showing up in feeds in proofofbrainio and vice versa