Do You Try Home Remedies Available On Internet?

in Proof of Brain2 years ago (edited)


Today I've watched a YouTube video on it. I think this was useful. Home made fat burning drinks can work but depends on the body type and consume capacity of stomach. All hacks will work on everyone is not necessary but I believe and appreciate health hacks showed in videos.

Some of them already known to us like we know ginger and lemon both are effective on fat burning naturally but its not recommended to all because some has internal health issues. For example many of us has gastric issues for having lemons regularly and this problem I already have. Sometimes I become health conscious and try home made fat burning drinks as I don't like obesity.

Today I had ginger drink and I boiled it for few minutes. Past few weeks I'm feeling like getting overweight and I've found ginger has many health benefits beside burning fats from our body. Past few days I had lemon but I took a break from having lemonades as it produce gas in my body and my thought burning is the sign of having gas.

Before trying any home made drink we should know the reaction of it on our body. In the past our great great grand parents applied home remedies to recover or prevent illness. But today home remedies doesn't work like before as everything grown with the fertilizer which make veggies and other ingredients hybrid but its not as good as it was in the past. Fertilizers and insect killers make things poisonous so unfortunately we hardly can expect the authentic ingredients for making effective home remedies.

Now we badly depend on medicines made of chemicals and we are having misconception in our brain is that, without medicine we can't cure our diseases. But still home remedies work for many if they try it for long time with patience. All internet hacks are not fake as there are many health experts share their knowledge and experiences for our better health or cure.

I appreciate them but very careful about choosing the real one. Before following health blogs and vlogs, you should check the background of the blogger or vlogger, if they belongs to medical background try to follow them but don't be blind and make more research before applying anything from them. Honestly I often try home remedies and health hacks found around the internet.

Thanks For Reading


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