in Proof of Brain2 years ago (edited)


Most people have theirs ways in which they can express themselves easily, a way in which they can communicate with their audience. For me, vlogging is my part to easily share my thoughts and points that is why most of the post I publish are videos instead of written content.

Aside that it helps me in connecting more with others, it saves me time. I can easily make my video in about 10minutes and also edit the videos while I do other activities. The editing takes more time, even hours most times but it is something I can do while in class or in on the walk way to school.


3speak Upvotes is also an encouraging factor to making video content. You get upvote from 3speak if your content is of value to the audience, if there are interactions between you and your audience and also if you have more views on your video.

Some of the tips you may need in getting more views on your video is by engaging more with other authors, which may bring them to come by to watch your video or easily by sharing your videos to your friends to watch and leave you a comment.

When I used to make guitar covers, I share my videos consistently to twitter and leave a link for people to watch the full video. Doing this fetch me pretty number of views on my video and I will tell you it really works.

So which do you prefer? do you prefer writing or video content creation?


Hahahaha this is coincidental!, I already made a video I scheduled to post tomorrow talking about vlogging or blogging. This is so mee. 3speak has encouraged me so much with my chess videos and others too. Plus I get an average of at least 10 viewers per video which encourages me. So it's vlogging for me. But maybe I would still try some lengthy articles from time to time.

I wanted to make a vlog of this, but I was too stressed to talk on camera.

Yeah, try to write from time to time, it would help you out beat some laziness you might be feeling when too weak to make a video like now for me.

Its not like vlogging is easy either..I love making videos and to some extent I ve gained some dexterity, thanks to three speaks 😊

But it is abit costlier to make quality videos.

Time it takes for good editing and engaging B rolls.

Its only easier on the outlooks tho. But when you have the knowledge, you can go far.

Another thing, I fink is It doesn't matter which you do, engaging is the key.

I still love writing sha, I need to improve in that line tho.

One other thing to consider is the my followers data and the length of my videos. I know soon.. I ll have whales in my cycle but for now.. Its good to be considerate.

Also.. The threespeak curation makes a lot of sense.

Nice post.

Yeah, vlogging is actually not as easy. It depends on preference, the kind of stress one would like to venture into.

Vlogging has its own stress on it own. God knows how many hours I have taken to edit a video and also the number of videos that I have made and also not uploaded.

When I make my guitar videos, I have spent up to 9hrs or more on trying to make a video.

Yeah, 3speak curation encourages a lot of vloggers out there must especially me. I am very grateful to them.

Very familiar with having a lot of in uploaded videos.. Lol
And the hours..crazy.
Especially when its something musical and you have to combine a lot.

I think the talk video are a bit less time consuming tho, but working on lightening and audio also matters.. Thats mostly where the cost goes.

Yeah for lightning and audio, I already have that covered already.. My ring light is there for the lightning and my android phone serves as my mic. It picks my voice very clear even when not close to my mouth and also, I have a denoise tool to reduce noise in the recording.

Nice for you.
The denoise tool would work wonders I m sure.

I'm glad you found a preferable path, but I'm not following your story. You said:

Aside that it helps me in connecting more with others, it saves me time. I can easily make my video in about 10minutes and also edit the videos while I do other activities. The editing takes more time, even hours most times but it is something I can do while in class or in on the walk way to school.

What kind of videos do you create that takes about 10 min? You also said that the editing can take hours. Does it then take longer or a shorter amount of time to write an article as opposed to videos?

To shoot a video, more like explaining an event on how you spent your day. It can take one about 10 minutes to express yourself and what is left would be to edit the video.

Just like my video below which is about 4 mins.

I was in a rush to school that early morning when I made this video, so I was making the edits on the video while I was in class.

Compared to writing, I would have to seat down and do the whole job. I cannot do it in a haste, my mind has to be in a calm taste if not, I would not connect to heart and would end up writing rubbish containing paragraphs that don't link properly.

But video, I know what I want to say and I just express myself out.

Coming to guitar covers, I cannot do this in a haste at all because I use at least 4 hours alone trying to shoot my video haven't even edited it.

I'm more of a writing type of guy. Only produced two videos during my time on hive (one of which was very difficult to produce for an amateur like me, but I did). There's also the time it takes to encode when using 3speak (maybe it's my network but my two videos took a full hour to encode)

At the moment, I'm just more confortable writing. But who knows, maybe if I produce a few more videos I'll begin to prefer it.

On a totally unrelated note, how was the hive meet-up? Hope everything went according to plan.

Yeah, that's the disadvantages of using 3speak. You don't get it published just as soon as you want it.

It can be frustrating, I tell you. But I have learnt to be patient with it since it is something I often do.

The truth is, before I used to prefer writing to making vlogs because I don't know how to talk on camera but somehow I learnt, and I got the courage. Now here I am, having made almost a 100 videos or more.

Yeah the meetup went very well. I am trying to find the time to create a vlog post on the meetup but I have test back to back this week, which is taking away that time. Funny thing is, I haven't read at all.

It can be frustrating, I tell you. But I have learnt to be patient with it since it is something I often do.

I guess I'll just have to be patient

The truth is, before I used to prefer writing to making vlogs because I don't know how to talk on camera...

Yeah, this is another thing I forgot to mention. Before I switch on the camera I'm the most interesting person in the world, but once it's on, I just feel so awkward.

... but I have test back to back this week, which is taking away that time. Funny thing is, I haven't read at all.

Hmm, school life is not easy, just try and cover as much as possible. Good luck with your test.

I'm more of a write content creator, i feel mroe comfortable taking my time and researching. What do you think i can do to catch more attention? My thing is Game dev, neuropsychology and Axie Infinity. But i still don't feel the confidence to write about the first two things.

What you can do to catch more attention?... Exactly what you did here.

Engaging with others, and coming out with fun ideas that can help others out in the blockchain... It would take you far.

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You are really convincing, you so know how to make people love things and get their attention...

It's not like I don't like or would not prefer video content creation s but I don't even know the procedure and guide lines, though I believe it's going to be better and much easier to express ones feeling, so if you don't mind I'll love it if you can teach me how to create video Content.

I love vlogging but the major reason I barely do that is I feel like on hive it is easier to just write.

I am planning to vlog more come 2022 though, hopefully I can.

Looks like you just made your 2022 goals under my blog 😊

😆 don't hold me to it please.