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RE: Some New Foods In Japan

in Proof of Brain3 months ago

Wow, thank you for the inspiration! Since I like to make pizzas at home, I will certainly try to adopt this volcano idea. As for the bowl in the middle, I assume it is a glass or ceramic one, one that would not disintegrate (and become part of the pizza).

As for the churros, I am not a big fan of them anyway, even here in Mexico where they are an important part of the food culture. That goes for the traditional brown colored ones, let alone the bright rainbow colors. So I think I will just stick to looking at your pics.


Actually the bowl was cardboard. Not sure how they accomplished it, but it didn't melt into the pizza. Probably more cancer causing, fire retardant chemicals in the cardboard.

Yummie! But I think a small ceramic bowl should do the trick. I'm thinking the kind that potato wedges come in. Or whatever won't explode in the oven...