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RE: Feeling Happy In Others' Happiness

Thank you for your kind words. You are absolutely right. People forget that it is because of these people that we are able to do our jobs, manage our house and kids. They are actually our enablers.

At our place, we treat her as good as any other family member. She eats what we eat, she goes where we go and she stays like a family member. No restrictions, no inhibitions. That's the rule of our house. I feel so happy that me and my husband both agree to this behaviour with our house helps.

And I feel all the more good when she comes and tells me that she loves to work with us and she thinks greatly of us. It's not like I'm doing something extra or out of the world; it's the true required behaviour of any master. One has to be nice and polite and generous to their employess and that's all we are doing.

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That a great decision, I love you for that, showing and make her as part of your family.

And generous to employee will make him or her work hard, wish well for their boss, because they know if their master is flourish, they will also benefits from them.

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