
Wait , wait... why you keep saying a lefthand drive? These people seems simply have a habit to park on a left side. :)
Here is another pic, from a side street, maybe 30 meters away from the first spot

Next hint (based on this country size and population) - after 13 hours

@onealfa, In that case, we have left with 4 countries (out of 14 in Oceania)
3-Marshall Islands
Thanks for making it easier, waiting for the next clue

@onealfa Finally- street crossing is in San Luis "Justo Corro- Calle Zamaripa" Mexico

@onealfa 578 Islas Molucas
Saltillo, Coahuila

Waiting for the next hint now 😵, it's going too crazy for me, lol. I wonder how others are dealing with this 🤔. Only @onealfa knows the shortest way to find, till then keep searching 🔎👀

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