Today I Ran a Work Experiment

in Proof of Brain3 years ago

Earlier I wrote a blog post about Meetings as a Service. Today, I ran that experiment.

It worked quite well. We had five people show up (8 invited). We spent the first 5 minutes going around the Zoom channel saying what we were planning to do.

The next 95 minutes we spent individually working. Then we came back and shared our insights.

First, everyone appreciated having a moment of accountability. Each person said what they were going to do, and went about doing it. One person needed to prepare for an upcoming meeting, another had some cataloging and data remediation to do, another had writing to do from the last week's reading.

I personally discovered that I came to the meeting ill-prepared. I had a simple task I was going to work on. However, I didn't plan for what to do if it got stuck (which was very likely as it required coordination with another person).

Ten minutes into the experiment, I hit my stuck point and opened my email to send a message. Boom, three other emails drew my attention, and quickly I spun into response mode.

Then I drifted by and saw Slack had another thread that needed urgent attention. My concentrated task went out the window, and I began working on what had become Urgent and Important (instead of just the Important stuff).

In anycase, I learned a lesson. And everyone was eager for me to put it back on their schedule for two weeks from now.


First time I hear about Meeting as a Service and it's amazing idea when I think about it... Though "As Service" means it's a paid one?

Meeting as a Service

I showed up to your meeting - now pay me !!!

sorry , that was the first thing that popped in my head LOL

Ah, but I'm running the meeting. You pay me!

Interesting to hear about this part of your work experience! The other comments had me thinking; I wonder if it counts as a "paid" service: in a sense, the attendees employer is paying the cost!

!LUV 1

My coworker and I have talked about extending this service to other organizations/libraries. In my original notes, I felt that if I crossed above the 8 person threshold, I'd need another layer of administration; which strikes me as pay to attend.

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