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RE: Would you like some some cold water with your avaricious dopamine hit ?

So your proposal is to substitute downvotes with public shaming? Not a bad idea, I would be totally down for that. As you said 'I wonder who would do that' I am sure you had me in mind :).

I don't care about helping undervalued posts... wait, that sounded wrong... I do... but so do many others and there are a ton of curators focused on finding undervalued content.

I'm also on your side when it comes to inflation and while the whole ecosystem of hive is built on inflation, I would sure like to tune it down a little.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


So your proposal is to substitute downvotes with public shaming?

Assumptions are a bad

maybe you are just a midwit that struck gold by accident then :P

Like we discussed before, I would have loved for downvoting to be just a normal thing to correct overvalued posts, I would downvote half the trending page if it wouldn't result in conflict. I know you don't like downvotes from a free market perspective anyways. To resolve this, I think calling out the voters is not a bad idea.

If I do this this it would be surely the last thing I do on hive, but at least I would go down with guns blazing :D

maybe you are just a midwit that struck gold by accident then :P

Damn!... I've been found out!lol

To resolve this, I think calling out the voters is not a bad idea.
If I do this this it would be surely the last thing I do on hive, but at least I would go down with guns blazing :D

You're thinking too small...

not my usual problem...

Guess I will just sit back and look at whatever you had in mind before I risk my own ass, for now

Don't risk anything.

(and btw -why does me calling you 'matey' bother you? It's a term friends say to each other).'s something residing in you, not my spelling of 5 letters...

Patience, luke, patience...'Rome wasn't deconstruted in a day...'

you can call me matey