Does the Cause of AIDS, Actually Cause AIDS, and Why?

in Proof of Brain3 years ago (edited)

Before I launch right into this article, it's only fair that you should know that I almost chose the title: 'Does AIDS Even Real?' However, out of fear that you wouldn't pick up on the smarm I wanted to convey, I decided to be more accurate in the language.

Why is this, you ask? Well, because, of course, AIDS is real. To demystify the acronym; All that it means is that somehow, way, shape, or form, an individual managed to acquire the state of immune deficiency. Generally speaking, poisons or toxins, natural or human-made, can effectively run down one's immune system.

Let's get into the more popular viral theory of AIDS. The disease often gets linked to the alleged human retrovirus called HIV. I'm not a scientist, and I can't tell you that I've seen or isolated HIV. Some are staunch believers that all viruses are fake and that this is impossible.

I won't go that far with it, and this is because if I cannot isolate a virus in a lab, how could I possibly go about disproving a thing that I cannot prove exists? As they say, absence of evidence is not evidence of absence. Additionally, evidence of absence is not necessarily proof of absence.

Where there is smoke, there's fire, is a truism. However, it's only a generality. I say this because maybe the fire got freshly extinguished. Or perhaps you see a building with no smoke at all, and a fire has just begun in a small trash can somewhere.

The point being is there is a lot of nuance in all of the things. Something that may seem black and white from one wo/man's perspective could appear more on the spectrum of a grey gradient to others. What they both see could be true but also not true and meaningless upon further examination.

Did you see an older woman or a younger lady, and does it even matter? Perhaps you see Cinderella, and it means you will find a new love in your life. Or, if we're still on the topic of fairy tales, mayhaps you see a wicked witch, and it conjures an image in your mind of a poison apple, and this means that you ought to be wary of who serves you food over the next couple of days.

Essentially, our subjective realities are malleable based on how we view things. Where some see a dead end, or an absolute positive or negative, others walk right through that thing because, for them, it's not even there. So let me just put bookends on this real quick because it got written on the fly, and I wasn't exactly sure what I wanted to do, but now I do.

Due to the latest COVID-19 revelations, there may be a renewed push to get people vaccinated. And this push could quite possibly get the vaccine-hesitant to walk into charlottes web. And one ought not to think that she's as kind as they portray her in the books. Charlotte is a spider, and unless you're of Zuckerman you don't want to be the pig.

Hmm, what to do?

Much like snakes, spiders do spider things. First, they will entrap your mind with a problem. Let's say the spider says, you caught the AIDS flu, and unless you take this medicine that comes from my fangs, you'll most certainly die. So you struggle, and you try desperately to get out of the web to no avail. And this is because you know the web will lead to your demise, and you're also not sure that you trust the spider.

However, if you shift your thinking just a little, maybe the web isn't so bad. Perhaps it is not preventing you from moving at all? Maybe Charlotte isn't 100% good or evil and has a tiny bit of a conscience. Maybe, she has a peculiar set of ethics. What if she will only eat those with her painless toxin if she can convince them to volunteer themselves as the main course.

All of the above was a short story to prime you for the below video. Make of it what you will. It's either outright blasphemy and shows complete irreverence to modern science. Or, perhaps, the men in the white coats are the spiders, knowingly or otherwise.

Good luck!


TY for stopping bye!
What is @frankbacon?
The Business of Disease
(Thank you @logiczombie!)
10 Part Megamix on Health Secrets!
(Thanks for sharing this @ryzeonline!)
How Peer Review Studies Ruined Science
Doctors Discuss the Cult of Modern Medicine
(Thx to @paradigmprospect for the above link!)
Dr. Robert Willner Sticks Himself with "HIV" on TV
(Thank you for sharing the above video, @active-truth!)
Anthony Fauci, HIV, the Serpent, and the Rainbow 📰
Highlighting the Absurd Fauci/Daszak/Wuhan Connetion 📰


wanting to share some more commentary to complement the video you posted, in case you haven't seen it - main topic is also HIV and AIDS but it can be totally applied to today's madness.
what we are presented with today is simply another reiteration, nothing fundamental has changed but people still haven't caught on it seems. Until these points are thoroughly refuted anything the "mainstream" claims about this whole affair is simply hot air.

i've been looking for this

aye me too, it was super buried but it is quite the commentary isn't it?

yeah, i saw most of this stuff many years ago on VHS

:smirk: vhs...

THAT's where I saw your TRUMP reference amigo!

any chance you might be able to record it off a tv screen and drop it on odysee ?

-% chance of that happening...

I'm not going to mandella effect my novel for YOUR grip on reality!
Screenshot 2021-06-04 4.41.25 PM.png

Hey buddy, @paradigmprospect! LT
no see! It's so good to see you again!
Thank's so much for sharing the vid!

likewise, we always come back somehow don't we?
couldn't think of anyone better to provide this video for. it's quite a gem, much like most other vids on the curious life channel.

Nobody gets out of this place without
singing the (HIVE blockchain) blues!
Unfortunatly for me, I cannot sing.
Great vid, added to post. Thank ya!

i'm gonna be honest with you ...
... I need half this stuff read to me.


Like my work... only better.

Screenshot 2021-06-04 1.53.29 PM.png

Here's the relevant snippet from my contagion article for my personal point of view in a nutshell.....

You could say this one plandemic was the one which started us all questioning the existance of all viruses because there were ructions going on in the science world over who had discovered the HI virus or even if they had at all. It also turned the immune theory on it’s head which should have been a mistake that exposed all their theories by stating that the presence of antibodies meant you HAD HIV not that you were IMMUNE to it. The disease it’s meant to cause (AIDS) was first seen in the gay community of Los Angeles where the men were presenting to doctors with sick livers (hepatitis) from all the alcahol and drugs they took. Doctors then added antibiotics to the mix for the perceived STD’s but the real stinger came when they tested out a new vaccine for Hepatitis B on the community.

After the vaccine their whole bodies seemed to shut down which they claimed was an immune system shut down so called it AIDS. “Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome” Where was it ‘acquired’ from? Couldn’t possibly be the new vaccine on trial could it? nooooo. Where did they follow up those trials and where did AIDS next reappear? Yeh Africa. Big pharma’s favourite playground full of human guinea pigs. What do they use to test if you have HIV? The PCR test. Just like now with covaids it can find any genetic sequence they want to find in anyone at anytime if they do enough cycles. Even it’s inventor was screaming from the hilltops that this was scientific fraud. So what happens if you get a positive test for HIV AND you are gay? They prescribe a failed chemo drug AZT (killed too many cancer patients) and voila, you have a new victim who’s whole body shuts down from systemic poisoning. AIDS is death by poisoning. The HI virus does not exist, it was never isolated, Gallo lied. Fauci was also involved in that scam.
Interestingly – In 1990, a UK survey involving 598 doctors revealed that over 50% of them refused to have the Hepatitis B vaccine despite belonging to the high risk group urged to be vaccinated. (British Med Jnl, 27/1/1990)

I agree with a lot of this, but I think the HIV
retrovirus may exist (based on the video
you shared)
but is probably inert and
does not lead to AIDS on its own.
Thx for sharing this great video!

If it's 'inert' as you say then it's NOT a virus. Definition of a virus is pathogenic.

I'm only speaking to which Dr. Robert Willner Sticks
pointed out about dealing with the retrovirus but
also did not think it had power over his well being.

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Thank you, @ecency! 🙏
It's doing the thing, and
I'm feeling the encourage.

Great article I am rather concerned that fraudci had something to do with the early treatments that are now contorversial for this so called virus also, maybe this was the one they hoped would isolate people, yet it failed miserably.

I find it hard to trust anything that has come from these so called medical anti-proffessionals over the past 25-30 years, we need to sit down and have an honest discussion with people unrelated or connected to these doomed establishments like the NIH, NIAID, CDC an THE WHO

To much sidestepping and biased has gone on in favour of those that fund these shitshows.

Time we pulled the plug and demanded honesty

Posted via

"Fraudci", LOL


I also agree. I am highly suspect of these bureaucratic "medical" organizations. To many that are part of them are in bed with Big Pharma and it seems to be mostly about funding and money, not about public safety.

For sure we need new uncompromised blood providing a truthfull honest opinion on all these fake viruses.

We need an end to corrupt funded organisations that care about nothing other than the funding they recieve.

I agree with you 100% @jaxsonmurph, and a large part
of why, is what I witnessed in this video clip right here!

I know it's crazy that these people will one day or are in fact actually running our scientific institutions, research labs, medical colleges and universities.

I would trust traditional medicine before listening to a clown that believed his peer reviewed papers. It has become a sad state of affairs when a so called professional is in fact just an ignorant twat, that believe what they are told instead of learning themselves.

Shit that make me a rocket scientist Lol

I feel you, one hundred percent. I'm
hoping, I've got some faith that...

I hope you are right, we need some hope and serious change

Posted via

Hi @thoughts-in-time :),

I stumbled right away over this sentence

how could I possibly go about disproving a thing that I cannot prove exists?

I would like to ask back:
How many things are there which you can neither prove nor dis-prove?
Isn't it another expression of "I am not an expert"? I don't want to be a pain... but we've heard this argument so many times theses days, that I feel great resistance against it.

Is it, because when I ask: "Why can't I chose whether I want to believe in a thing, may it be Aids or any other disease?" that also includes those who DO believe in the voices of experts and that leads to the dilemma that it's then all about beliefs?

I I solve this question for myself in the only way that seems sensible and possible to me: insofar as a disease afflicts me, I only believe that it has a lethal or dangerous effect when I am close to death. Otherwise, I say it is a matter of taste what I prefer to be afraid of. It sounds strange, I know. I am someone who prefers to let things unfold and wait and see is actually the better option in my terms and experience. Only, since I'm not alone in the world, this weakens my attitude, if no one else is also prepared to wait and a - as they say, critical mass - decides in favour of action, then I've probably pulled the card of misfortune.

The question that drives me is that if so many people believe in the safety of vaccination and they really think that they are helping not only themselves but others through it, are they then committing a huge self-deception or is the field that is created through it actually a field influenced by the psyche? Within which, despite possible poisons in the injections, the individuals convinced of the positive vaccination effect actually become "immune"? Where does it begin that the mind is able to influence matter? I don't think it is possible to know for sure, only to assume, that there is more to human consciousness than pure materialism suggests. Rupert Sheldrake, though, wants to inspire to do research on this. It's discredited as para-psychology, but for me that makes it all the more interesting.

I ask myself this because my reaction to people who say they have already been vaccinated is always the same. Once they have done the act, I don't want to burden them with my negative thoughts because my scepticism might worry them and they might doubt the good effect. How to a dear person we do not want to arouse doubt about a treatment when he himself firmly believes in it, do we not?

It is only very painful when, conversely, one experiences that this tolerance of the opposite way of thinking - one does not believe in the positive effect - is swept off the table in such a hard-hearted, imperious and inconsiderate way.

What do you think?

Hey there, @erh.germany! It's a little bit more involved than "I am not an expert." Many of the proponents that disregard the virus theory of disease claim that isolation of the virus in the lab is impossible. That said, it is two-fold depending on what you believe, if you believe the assertion that the virus is impossible to isolate without the improper utilization of Kary Mullis' invention. It means that even if you are an expert, you don't have anything other than the wrong tool to do the job.

It's like, that's a nice hammer, but I cannot use it as a floodlight to light my path in a forest. I'm at the losing end of both of these arguments. I am not an expert. However, even if I were, I would not try and use a hammer as a flashlight. However, that doesn't mean there's not something in the forest that's causing people to die, either. But without the right tools, I'm just a blind man in the dark, subject to the unrestricted confines of not only mine but also everyone else's imagination.

I chose not to go with the original title because I think the immune system exists. I tend to believe, correctly or incorrectly, that it can get run down for many different reasons, not just the potential HIV hypothesis, whether that is true or untrue. That got a bit intricate and wordy, but I hope it helped more than it harmed in conveying my take on the matter. I don't claim to know the whole truth about anything, only what seems to be true to me at the time. And I'm with you on this one. I'm not taking the vaccine.

Thank you for further explaining what you think.

I'm at the losing end of both of these arguments.

I see it the same way. And that's why I have a hard time being confronted with such a strong front, those people who state that they talk about "facts".

What do you understand by an "immune system"? That's crucial, I think.

I think of something which can perhaps use this term "immunity". But I tend to see it both material and non material. For the lack of a better term I would call it "mind in connection with matter-influence". In this whole debate it seems that the "mind"-thing has been forgotten. It's all about materials.

To not lose myself (in nihilism) I have made up my mind.

Sincere greetings to you.

I've only read a couple of your posts and I have to say, I love the style and flavour of the way you write. You put your own creative spin on it. Great post!

Hey, bud! Thanks so much, you know we know each other right?

HAHAHA, of course I do! That's how I landed here in the first place 😜😏😁


I'm so going to enjoy reading more of your posts, heehee, 😁

Great Work

Thanks, bro, I hope all is well!

P.S. I really liked your original head-line :) I'd say "go for it", it's just funny.

I love how you presented some narratives and possibilities, then concluded with a 'cliffhanger' of sorts, basically asking: "Are the men in white coats predatory spiders, benevolent spiders, somewhere in between, or another animal entirely?" "You decide."

Interestingly, I've been healthy for two decades, not so much as a cold, even during my homeless years. I make a point of studying people like Wim Hof and Joe Dispenza. I even made a 2 hour health video documentary that got banned on YouTube.

Point is, I'm passionate about elevated health, immune-systems, and well-being, and there's some really great food for thought here.

Thanks for another insightful post! 🙏

Hey, that's sounds like either an informationwar
or deepdives topic, if you ever post about that
please either use those tags or let me know.
I'll make sure the communities can see ya!

You make a very good point. I'm now highly considering a post in one of them. I'll spend some time exploring them first, with the aim of making a smooth debut there when I write/share. :)

Thanks for the heads up! 🙏

i'm not looking for minds that believe everything

i'm looking for minds that are willing to entertain and critique everything

Thanks, @active-truth, I'll have a looksie.
Update: Finally got to viewing this, thank you!
That's an extraordinary find, worth watching!

make sure to cross-post this on odysee and theta and any other free video host that is not youtube

I don't know how to cross post from YT to other channels? There used to be a download button on YT but it only seemed to last a week and was gone again.

don't hit the "download" button

right-click the "download" button and select "save target as"

Tried that too, no option called that in drop down menu. Dang

Perhaps this will help, @active-truth & @logiczombie

I've stored the video on my dropbox temporarily if you'd like to download it, feel free. (I'm only able keep it on there for a few days though.) 🙏

Oh bless ya Mr Ryze ur a proper gent xx
Download successful, now uploading.

upload to pleez

COOL thanx for the link, will try this out xxx
Just tried it and it didn't work. Press download button 10 times and nowt happens

Posted via

don't click the download button


I won't go that far with it, and this is because if I cannot isolate a virus in a lab, how could I possibly go about disproving a thing that I cannot prove exists? As they say, absence of evidence is not evidence of absence. Additionally, evidence of absence is not necessarily proof of absence.

I appreciated that section in particular. I have been struggling with explaining to those advocating for the non-existence of the immune system, or viruses, etc. why it doesn't sit well with me. You explained it exactly in that one paragraph. Oddly enough it is something I have pointed out about science numerous times.

Science can only be applied to things that can be observed.

It is useless when being applied to things it cannot observe.

Often people will state things do not exist because they cannot observe them.

Then we learn to observe them or create tools that enable us to do so and it turns out they do exist.

POOF did they suddenly come into existence because you could now observe them oh wonderful scientist?

Truth of the matter is stating things do not exist because you cannot observe them has nothing to do with science.

It's opinion.

Likewise stating something does exist that we cannot observe is also not science.

It is opinion, or speculation.

It could be wrong. It could be correct. It could be partially wrong. It could be partially correct.

I don't disagree with the people saying there are no viruses. I simply am not convinced. Though they have made me consider it a possibility which I hadn't really considered before. That is something at least...

Hey, thank you. This is all very well stated!
The post was amended with these two
links. (1), (2), the first of which is
short and will knock your socks off!
You would totally dig RAW's work!

That first video. Spot on. Exactly what I think both you and I have been concerned about for some time. You should do a post just as a transcript of that video that people can read. It is definitely worthy.

Great idea, if you want to, I'd def reblog it.
Otherwise might have to wait for later.

Yeah. I can't now. Doing some things for work.

If it hasn't been proven or observed it is only a hypothesis. Stefan Lanka has challenged the world to produce the proof of any virus. Science has made the claim that viruses exist and built whole industries on it.
"Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence" Sagan
"What can be asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence" Hitchens
No evidence, no existence.....

You are correct. Just a hypothesis.

As to "Evidence". That depends upon what people decide is evidence. You and I have already agreed on how they will dismiss anecdotal evidence.

Often people say things do not exist. Why? They haven't been able to find a way to measure it and make a repeatable experiment to back up their claims.

Yet later they learn to measure it and it did in fact exist.

Science is useless at disproving things unless it can observe them. It is completely based upon observation.

If the person decides they do or don't trust the source that tells them anecdotal information ultimately tends to be what leads them to say "it doesn't exist", "it exists", or just keep their mouths shut.

When one group, or person is the arbiter of what constitutes evidence then it becomes authoritarian. They begin dictating the rules.

It is fine if they personally have chosen to state "it doesn't exist".

That doesn't mean it is true.

Likewise, while the various razors are indeed pretty cool and useful for making decisions they are not always correct and treating them as such is a guaranteed path to eventual mistakes. How big a mistake... could be small, could be big. It depends upon what impact that mistake has.

I do like that Occam's Razor does leave the possibility in it for not being an absolute.

I've also been fond of Hanlon's Razor.

I do indeed like them. Yet I view them a tool that often (but not always) works.

Yes Occams Razor is my fave too, I use it a lot as well as 'common sense' which seems to be rare these days.
A friend just posted these 2 memes on my wall which are so relevant to our convo. I think you will like them too.
They certainly are in line with what I've been looking at lately.......


Feynman's is interesting. It is a lot like how I think about things. I try to understand though.


BTW - Tip. I'd avoid GIFs that flash like that one does. I have family members that things like that trigger migraines. Some people with epilepsy can also have a seizure triggered. I'm hyper aware of it only due to family members...

We'll be watching videos and it is not uncommon for me to hear Arghhsdf why do they have to do the flashing?

Good thinking!