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RE: Announcement of My Intent to File a Future Proposal Regarding ‘Rules for Downvoting’ in the Proof-of-Brain Tribe

There is no guarantee this will have any value. Most will stay with the old system because their money is there and will be afraid to do anything due to the sunk cost fallacy.

Yes, that is part of the risk. However, if most stay with the old tribe & token, then maybe the tyrant wasn't so bad, after all?

I kinda view it like the CEO of a company you are thinking about investing in. If you trust the CEO, then invest in the company. If you are unsure about the CEO, then maybe think twice before investing.

In fact, the Hive-Engine tribe & token arrangement is quite similar to Facebook's governance structure. Even though Zuckerberg only owns 16% of the company (by valuation), he controls 58% of the voting shares. As such, Mark Zuckerberg can literally do anything he pleases with the company, and no one can stop him. Layer 2 tribes & tokens are much the same.


Yes, that is part of the risk. However, if most stay with the old tribe & token, then maybe the tyrant wasn't so bad, after all?

Justin Sun stole over $10M by change balances to user accounts. Yet there are tons of people still on Steem. Even those who don’t believe in Steem any more.

I agree with the trust aspect but there is a big difference. Facebook is accountable to rules and regulations. There is very little he can get away with while crypto is the Wild West. We have had many scams on Hive alone that would flat out get someone in jail but in the they usually get away with it.

Although crypto certainly 'feels' like the Wild West, given the fact that every action is immutably stored on the blockchain, truly illegal behavior should be relatively easy to prosecute. Or am I being overly naive here?

Justin Sun stole over $10M by change balances to user accounts.

Have any of his actions been brought before a court of law, either civilly or criminally?

Although crypto certainly 'feels' like the Wild West, given the fact that every action is immutably stored on the blockchain, truly illegal behavior should be relatively easy to prosecute. Or am I being overly naive here?

Most people here are anonymous, and generally the police want no part in anything online, crypto or not. So unless you are ready to front major legal bills, most people get away with it. There are a few examples of this even on Hive like bellyrub and Magic Dice.

Have any of his actions been brought before a court of law, either civilly or criminally?

Yes, there is an active lawsuit.

In fact, the Hive-Engine tribe & token arrangement is quite similar to Facebook's governance structure. Even though Zuckerberg only owns 16% of the company (by valuation), he controls 58% of the voting shares. As such, Mark Zuckerberg can literally do anything he pleases with the company, and no one can stop him. Layer 2 tribes & tokens are much the same.

Same? Ha ha ha.
At least we know Mark Zuckerberg's history, his past activities, strength and weaknesses.
What we (you) know about a person, who is hiding behind this 100% anonymous account "proofofbrainio" ???
Did this person first time discovered Hive only on 25-02-2021 ???

Did he never had any other Hive or Steem account?
Has no FB, Twitter, IG, reddit, or god-knows whatever other socialnetwork accounts?
Why on Earth is he hiding his roots so hard, IF he has no bad long term intentions?

I'm waiting for the answers.

I've stated it before but I'll state it again: I know @proofofbrainio probably isn't Satoshi Nakamoto. Sometimes I wonder though...Or, @proofofbrainio is a time traveler limited by a temporal prime directive.👽

I would also say, we vote with our fingers...if we don't like the community any more, we sell the POB we've staked/earned. I know I've put hard earned USD into Hive and POB. If I felt it was not beneficial to me to be here anymore, I would sell (as long as it was still worth something) and move on to the next best thing. I'm sure you'd do the same. With your account (@holovision) value sitting around $4-5K, I'm guessing you've put $$ in the game, too...then again, I did see you've been around for 3 years, so it's possible it was all just posting/curation awards... for @onealfa around $60K I'm guestimating, I can understand that certainty in the system is key for his nest egg. The community requires certainty to a degree or it falls apart. As trustless as crypto can be, we actually have to use trust in this case.

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