
There are much development in the non-fungible token NFT market such as gaming, tradings, and other fun application.
Did you guys get involved in any NFT opportunity on the crypto market?

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Playing splinterlands but have also build a little collection of (non-playable) Splinterlands NFTs on wax by participating in the spring training tournaments. Other than that not much..

O Exode come to think of it. A rather new blockchain game that has a lot of potential in my opinion

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I am heard of Exode and played similar planet governance games. I will check out Exode. I am already seriously involved in Splinterlands, so I will play as a tester waiting for more resources to buy planet NFT.
Thank you for this information.

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Cool, how's your Splinterlands journey going? I'm having a blast lately with all the new things going on and just recently got my first legendary from reward chest.

The sounds effects and theme song are really good in Exode. The dev put a lot of work in that. Let me know if you need a referral link I think it has the same kind of deal as splinterlands where both you and the referer get a free card.

Also the free planet NFT is just for a limited time and will be something really special to have later on as it mints new NFTs. At least that's what I've heard :-)

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I have just seen the interface of Exode game, the site has great artwork and a smooth process as I interacted on the platform. I will contact you for assistance as soon as I am ready to play on Exode.
In Splinterlands, I did well last season. I got many cards and successfully managed two accounts on the platform.
The Splinterlands NFT market is so active especially the trades that prices keep rising every day.
Have you played Dcity?
I haven't started anything in Dcity but I think it has a fast growing community.

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Agree on Exode, love to provide assistance but I'm kind of still exploring and finding things out myself since it's still developing and not a complete game yet.

Splinterlands is one of the few things retaining value in these low days of hive/crypto. Very interesting..

Haven't tried out Dcity yet, am getting some simtokens in my wallet from various other tokens. Might see if it's enough to start something there at some point, but I think it's not enough at the moment. Also in doubt if I would enjoy playing the game.. let me know if you try it and how you like it

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Congratulation to all the winners.

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Thanks for the upvote.

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Many thanks. Congratulations @rentmoney
@katerinhernandez and @absolutefreedom

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Thank you, you are very kind friend @jersteemit

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Hey @jersteemit, here is a little bit of BEER from @rentmoney for you. Enjoy it!

Do you want to win SOME BEER together with your friends and draw the BEERKING.


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congratulations to lucky people.

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