Power Up April 2024 - Yes My Plans Changed

in Proof of Brain2 months ago


Last Month I Asked you, does my failed plan for 2024 made me a failure.
Because I had A Plan?
Doing a 250HP Power Up every month.
But I failed.
I was able to do so for 2 months and had to cut down already in month 3.

Spoiler Alert

Month 4 was even worse........

The Plan

Last month I had to reduce my power up to 200HP, and there went my plan!

In 2023 I did a 3X on my HP taking me from 1000HP to 3000HP. I added 2000HP, and in 2024 I wanted to double that, hence adding 3000HP over the year.

I knew it was an aggressive goal, but I did not expect to give up in April. But I am. It´s over, where I had a glimmer of hope to come back with a vengeance this month I now see the truth.

The Truth

I am not getting enough HP from my inputs. This month is proving that I am making even less than I used to do at the end of 2023. Where I added at least 130 HP and only needed 20HP powerups. This month I did not even reach 110 HP.

I am a level up to 70.
I have 700 HP more staked.
And now I make less HP with the same amount of posts.
The same quality posts, same communities, same/same.

That might be the issue, people are getting tired and I need to reinvent myself.
And I would, I would if I was posting for money.

The Old New Plan

The thing is, I am writing because I enjoy it.
I create my own content as a hobby, and I am glad if someone else reads and enjoys it above all.
The fact that I cryptonize my content is secondary.

I write and create what I like, I have a day job, this content stuff is just an elaborate hobby.

Those power-ups are just to make my upvote matter. To allow me to make a difference in the life of starting content creators. To make them feel that their work was not for nothing.

Because creating a post and seeing no upvotes on your work is a very sad thing, been there!

Hence I am letting go of the old plan.
I am not going to change my ways to find a bit more HP.
I am gonna go where my writing takes me.

That means I need to adjust. I am going back to last year's plan. I will call it Plan 2023+.

I am going back to the 150HP monthly as those are doable.
If things are going as planned I will have increased my HP by 1000HP at the end of May. And aiming at another 1000HP by the end of October.

With a 2000HP increase by the end of October, I will have reached the same amount as I did in all of 2023, and I will have 2 months to go beyond that number.
Everything I earn in November & October will be my improvement on the previous year.

That plan is doable!!!

My Commenting Challenge

Two comments a day how hard can it be.....right?
Well for me clearly it´s harder than posting every day of the week. I am getting better at it. And now that I failed on part one of the plan, I will put all the focus on commenting in May.

The new plan

It will be tricky to keep posting daily. I might have to find a new fun thing to write about.
I just started my second book and so far it´s coming along nicely and it should last till the end of the year at least.

Beyond The Looking Glass - Words of the Unseen - Prologue

I am still having doubts if I should continue my TTT riddles since I can not give out that $1 Ecency boost. But for now I will continue because a few of us enjoy exercising our mind.

Solve The Riddle & Win 250 Ecency Points [#TTT Week18] - "Hole in One"

It´s a sad thing that the 2-day promotion is more expensive in Ecency points but still is less attractive.

I still am crazy in love with my Sunday School Sessions, this last one was a bit Darkish, but I think I should look at all Books, not just the good ones.

My Musical Sunday School Sessions - "The 20 Commandments from the Satanic Bible"

Those Music Mixed With Religion stories have been such a discovery. Those obscure and often semi-secret writings filled with ancient knowledge combined with music and art are something I hope to keep doing for a while before the divine inspiration runs out.

But when it runs out I gladly pick up my Spread The Vibes posts on a lazy Sunday morning.

I should be able to keep at least 6 posts a week going for another year unless life happens.

My Plan is to let go of the plan and go back to just having that goal of 150HP added monthly. That is doable, and as this is a hobby and not a job, doable is more than enough for me for now.

That means a 44HP PowerUp for this month:


To get me at 3850HP and at 4K by the end of next month, that is still quite well for a Baby and a Mediocre writer.



[Source Pic](MyI & AI)
All screenshots are mine btw


It's a tough time right now honestly. If you aren't putting in outside money and you aren't lucky enough to be making decent rewards, that 250 per month can seem a bit too far out of reach. I empathize with you. I think you will find the right mix for you. Just as long as you keep building. Eventually things will flip around.

Yeah it are weird times indeed. But like you say, I saw it change half way last year, so just keep going see if it changes again.

Content creation is not my thing. Upvotes and comments, these I can do.

Can I get some of that comment power I will send some creation craft

Yes, I can do that.

I basically took most of April off from posting, and had to rely on delegation rewards for liquid HIVE. You can't control what you earn, but you can control what you create. Don't worry as much about rewards. Focus on building your community and earning followers! Rewards will come in due time.

Thanks and yes Exactly, and I really don't care about the rewards, I just want to make my vote matter and:

I should be able to keep at least 6 posts a week going for another year unless life happens.

My Plan is to let go of the plan and go back to just having that goal of 150HP added monthly. That is doable, and as this is a hobby and not a job, doable is more than enough for me for now.

Congratulations @whywhy! You received a personal badge!

You powered-up at least 10 HIVE on Hive Power Up Day!
Wait until the end of Power Up Day to find out the size of your Power-Bee.
May the Hive Power be with you!

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Check out our last posts:

Hive Power Up Month Challenge - April 2024 Winners List
Hive Power Up Day - May 1st 2024