
I think he gets checked on, just not while he is awake! I'd be annoyed inconsiderate! Perhaps they are observing him and wanting to see what his response will be? And locked up? I think Danny has smelled a rat for a little while and the Pizza blind testing and Charlie's protestations led him only to Otto. Wes works closely with Otto so is a likely suspect too, and it is not worth the risk ... or perhaps the timelines and story progression of @wrestlingdesires entry have sparked a further interest in story alignment on a larger scale and in real time 🤩I mean we need somebody to foil Rachel and Barry's plans with the newly acquired tablet and it seems more than a little coincidental that Delilah and Henry are busying to leave the old Estate, presumably for the Barony, at the same time that Wes is preparing to leave the Barony for the old estate. But then....this is just where my version of the characters is taking things....who knows how things may explode and collide on other peoples' pages 😍👏 I mean I almost had Wes running into Delilah in the corridor already with a confrontation over the tablet...but I thought that may be pushing the envelope and a little too presumptuous and complacent on my part hee hee !PIZZA !LUV






@wrestlingdesires, you've been given LUV from @samsmith1971.

Check the LUV in your H-E wallet. (1/1)

I'm loving where this is going, and how everything is fitting together 🙌 Maybe we can keep the story going forever ❤️


Well ...Dallas and DYnasty are still going strong 😂but I think we'll all enjoy a new challenge at some point and @Dibblers.dabs has hinted at another novella (if I recall correctly) ... so all will not be lost when the time comes to bid our current set of characters adieu. !PIZZA

Dallas and Dynasty ended a long time ago??? But yeah, I'll still miss our wild little world if it ends!


oh, me too boo hoo...😭But we'll have new projects I am sure to look forward to together hee hee. And I was referring to the ongoing respins with all the children of the original series characters now grown up and running things... 😂 Having said that, I saw that Patrick Duffy will be performing at our local theatre early next year in a production of "Catch me if you Can" alongside Linda Purl and Gray O'Brien. I'll be ordering a few tickets😍

I didn't know that he was still performing! Such a long career :)

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