Fungi Friday | A safe and comfortable hiding place.

in FungiFridaylast year

Hello all my beloved friends wherever you are.

It's great that on this blessed Friday I can greet you all again and be able to return to give my contribution to #fungifriday by @ewkaw.

How are you all? I hope all of you are always healthy under the protection of God Almighty, and thankfully I am also in good condition.

While enjoying being together with your beloved family, take your time for a moment, allow me to show you some of the mushrooms that I managed to find in their hiding places.

Look how beautiful and beautiful they are when they come out of their hiding nest....

The color is brown, a little hairy and freckles on the hood, that really made me attracted to him.

It's not easy for me to find it, it takes precision and patience to hunt it, that's because this mushroom really hides behind the green grass, even when I hunt it in the wild forest, I almost step on it, it's really invisible if you don't pay close attention.

This mushroom belongs to the category of mushrooms that cannot be consumed, even though this mushroom has a soft structure.

This mushroom is very comfortable hiding in the undergrowth among the grass and weeds, although it is actually a little dangerous for its survival if stepped on by human feet.

There is also a group of beautiful mushrooms that are pink, even look like red.

They also tried to hide from me, but my thoroughness managed to find them.

I coaxed them to come out of their hiding place, and asked them to pose in a brighter and clearer place.

Although alone, this mushroom is not a true single, he does not like to be alone, and in his habit of growing in groups, but this time I found him hiding there alone.

I tried to get him to pose outside his hiding place, but it was hard for him, so I couldn't take pictures of him from many angles.

The hiding place is unique, because it is outside the habitual habitat of the mushrooms to settle.

They grow in clusters on the trunks of areca palms that have been cut.

You have seen for yourself how unique and comfortable their hiding place is.

As the saying goes "As smart as a squirrel jumps, it must fall too", as clever as the mushroom was hiding from me, but I found them too.

That's all from me for today, hope you like it and see you next Friday.


What beautiful photographs dear friend @lion-bull you found really beautiful varieties
I appreciate you sharing with us

Lovely shots an lovely species!!!

!discovery 17

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