Fungi Friday || Offering Some Beautiful Mushroom Pictures At The End Of March || March 31, 2023

in FungiFridaylast year

Hello mushroom hunter friends on Friday. How are you all today, hopefully we are all still in good health and can participate in activities smoothly.

For Mushrooms this Friday and this is my contribution #FungiFriday hosted by @ewkaw

On today's occasion I would like to display some pretty interesting mushroom pictures that I have found. There are two types of mushrooms that I found, the first is the Psathyrella candolleana mushroom and the second is the Microporus mushroom. The first mushroom is a mushroom that has a stem and they grow on the ground, while the second mushroom is a mushroom that I found attached to bamboo that looks old.

Psathyrella candolleana mushroom, I found this mushroom in two forges, some I found living in ordinary soil and some I found living in soil full of cow dung around it. I also don't know whether those that live on the land are also traces of cow dung, and usually when I get mushrooms in front of other places they are mushrooms that like to grow in places of cow dung or buffalo dung. This mushroom has a very nice shape because the top of this mushroom has a circle like an umbrella and underneath it is also visible fiber which is quite visible. The Psathyrella candolleana mushroom has a small and slightly long stem, I like to see this mushroom with a very attractive appearance and this mushroom can live to compete with the grass around it.

Then the Microporus mushroom, this fungus attaches very strongly to the bamboo. I'm interested to see the color of this mushroom and in the circle there are also fibers like circle lines like that. Mushrooms like this do not have stems like the usual mushrooms, but they only have the power to stick to wood which is strong enough. Apart from bamboo, these fungi can also stick to other rotting wood places. I found this fungus in the waste of bamboo beside the pond and this bamboo is always used to catch fish, because it is always exposed to water and exposed to repeated sunlight, when it is no longer used it is placed on the edge of the pond so it rots like this and overgrown by this fungus.

Alright Friday mushroom killer friends, Let's take a look at these two types of mushrooms I've found that are quite interesting looking.

Now the Psathyrella candolleana mushroom, as I have shown above, has a very extraordinary beauty and at the top it is slightly conical when I photograph it. This mushroom plant is also very good at growing in damp places such as soils that have a high humidity level, and soil that has been mixed with animal manure such as buffalo or cows. This type of mushroom cannot be consumed because it contains poison. Even though this mushroom cannot be consumed, the beauty of this mushroom is quite extraordinary.

Now then the Microporus mushroom, we can see as I have shown above, this mushroom, although it doesn't have a stem like other mushrooms, in terms of the color of this mushroom, which is bright enough, many people like the appearance of this mushroom. I myself also like that with bright colors like this, of course it makes me very interested in getting pictures of this mushroom.

All right, friends, those are some pictures of mushrooms that I can display for this Friday and hopefully with some interesting pictures of mushrooms, we can all be entertained and become beautiful pictures. Thank you to all my friends who have given me encouragement and opportunity and I am very happy that this Friday I can still show beautiful pictures with all of you. That's all and see you later in my next post.

Note, the words written in this article, I wrote in Indonesian and then I translated into English with the help of Google.

Camera UsedCanon
Model600 D
LocationAceh, Indonesia

very nice picture, you are very thorough in shooting, good job guys