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RE: Germinating Cannabis Seeds Part Two

in Canna-Curate28 days ago

The plants are beautiful!! You have more than a green thumb--you have an affinity for life. You love those plants and they love you back.

Thanks for the picture. I never told you how much you remind me of my older brother (when he was a young man). I wish I had a picture to show you...same smile. Same beard. Or at least, that's way I remember it.

Stay happy, dear @futuremind


I've always loved plants since a young age but never foresaw them being such an integral part of my life. I indeed love it and have an affinity for the challenge that comes with providing them with a proper environment, and tending to their needs. The more put together I am, the better my plants tend to look.

It makes me happy knowing that my smile sparks a nostalgic memory for you. Your brother must be super cool ;D

Thank you for the lovely comment my dear friend @agmoore!