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RE: Garden Update - Day Thirteen Cannabis Update

in Canna-Curatelast month

Thanks man.
I have a really good feeling about these plants and think they are going to end up like regular photo period and grow some super fire. I hope I'm right because it would be cool to get a clone line going of these.

I've been trying to get out regularly to get some fresh air and perhaps meet people. I'm always looking for cool photographic opportunities while I'm out. The harbor is a pretty cool place and I live only a few minutes away from there.


The photos are the harbor are so cool. The clouds there are awesome.

Thanks man.
I'm happy you like them. My favorite captures encapsulated the sun shining through the clouds while the sky was dark grey, and it made the color of those flags pop vividly.

Ya, they were great shots. I hope you are able to get out more often and do that type of photography for.