Zsweet Inzanity – Day 66

in Canna-Curate28 days ago (edited)

These four cannabis plants have been in the ground for almost a month now. They have had time to adjust to their surroundings and seemed quite unphased by the move. I was worried I did not get all the roots out on a couple of them so glad to see they are doing okay. One is a little smaller than the rest, maybe that is the one that lost a little bit of root coming out of the pots. But the other three are doing great.

Strain:Zsweet Inzanity
Dominance:50/50 Balanced Hybrid
Nutrients used:Foxfarm Grow big and Foxfarm Big Bloom
Lineage:Durban Poison / Rainmaker / Gorilla Glue #4
Current growing stage:Vegetative
Current plant age:66 days old
Sex:Feminized Photoperoid
Location:Central Virginia USA.
More info:https://en.seedfinder.eu/strain-info/Zsweet_Inzanity/Ethos_Genetics/

Settling in the dirt:

Now we are in the long haul of vegging out the plants, they have already increased in size quite a bit, possibly doubling already. Since they have been topped twice they are more round than tall. But I am sure they will bush out like crazy even with this trimming they had.

Very little signs of pest damage, and the leaves are all praying up to the light wanting more.

The stems look strong, hopefully our winds have been helping to stimulate strong growth so they will support big buds come autumn.

I am really excited to see how big they get, with 6 months of grow time here I think they would be quite the plants by the end. October is around the time when they will produce flowers.

The dirt from where the holes were needs to be covered, I should come back with some wood chips and place it around the base of the plant.

They are getting their nutrients from what I placed in the soil, using a "Marine Cuisine" long release fertilizer. Also I give them liquid fertilizers once a twice a week.

I placed my hand next to the biggest of the leaves and its already as big. I wonder how much bigger the leaves can get.

Hopefully the one smaller plant catches up.

Sometimes I see insects on them, but if they are not eating them I tend to leave them alone. If I do see things like aphids or other damaging insects I have some pest management solutions ready to go.

Every day I give them a good watering, unless we get rain which does it for me. With many more months to come, including the hot summer I am sure we will see more growth from this South African strain. But we are still in the spring time and once in awhile temperatures dip.

Cold mornings:

We had a chilly morning a week or so ago, got down to 40F (4C). This worried me as these temps the cannabis plants do not like to get this cold. The most I push is around 50F in the tents during the winter while the lights are off. So I went to check on the plants in the morning and indeed they were a little droopy.

Luckily once the sun came out it quickly warmed up the leaves and they popped back up to normal.

The road to the forest

More posts coming up, lots have been going on the farm. So I have many posts of catching up to do to update ya'll on what is going on here.

Previous posts on this strain:





They look very healthy, man. I am hopeful the other one will catch up to its peers soon...hehe

They are doing really well, thanks I hope so too.

So cool man. I can’t wait to see how big these get. Outdoor grows just seem to much more exciting because they can just get massive. I wouldn’t be surprised if you pull a few pounds from these.

I know what you mean, reading peoples grow journals for outdoor grows just seem too good to be true. So I am excited to experience it and see how it works out for me.

Hoping I get north of a pound. My best yet was 0.85 pounds for four plants so I am trying to break that record.

The manure and fertilizer application are so evident in the plant, look at how greeny and fresh they are.

This is a nice one, I hope the little harmless insects don't become harmful at a long run

Yeah I think they do enjoy getting their fertilizers. The plants just look so happy right now.

Hehe me too, keeping a close eye on the insects.

That's nice👍👍👍

Wow this plant is amazing and it look so special

Thanks, it is quite the special plant :-)

You take great care of your cannabis, no wonder they look amazing!

Much appreciated, I am doing my best.

Won't the insects be high if they eat cannabis?

They are growing fast and they are very different from the last time you uploaded them.

It probably has an effect on them, when the plant gets eaten it releases more THC in defense.

They sure are, amazing looking back at the previous posts to see how far they have come.

Hello dear friend @solominer good morning
How great to see the growth of your plants in the open air, seeing the leaves compared to your hand makes one imagine the reality of growth.
It has been a great success to have changed the plants outdoors

Have a great day

I am glad my hand for reference was useful, figured it would help people know how big the leaves are.

Yep they are really stretching their legs now, hoping the best for them.

Thanks hope you have a good day too.

This is a nice one👍

thanks man

Hello @solominer
The growth that the plants have achieved is great, and those that have been left behind will surely soon achieve growth.
It would be good if you put a wooden support to accompany the growth of the stems and prevent them from falling due to the weight.
It's good that they have withstood the cold days well, and the insects did not damage them.

It sure is amazing how far they have come, I do hope the smaller one catches up.

Wood supports can help, but I prefer to use netting.

My Sour Diesel grow using SCROG netting

For the last few grows I have been setting up netting they grow into and it really helps hold up the buds.. If I was to use sticks I would have to attach each cola to a stick. But with netting I can just feed the colas up into the squares and it supports them well. This is known as SCROG technique.

Yeah it is good, I was worried about them during that cold morning. And yeah so far the bugs have not been much of a problem, but we have much of the growing season left so we shall see.

This is a great idea, I really like this networking system.
Many successes

It's good to see you sharing about farming after a few weeks and looking forward to more posts about it. The road to the forest is nice.

Ah glad, more updates coming soon.

Thanks I really love my road going into the forest, so lovely.

The cannabis plant just look so perfect
They look very green and healthy
Nice one!

Thanks, they sure are. Much appreciated.

nice place you don't need a greenhouse? good weather all year round??

I have a green house, but I did not get my humidity control set up in time. So if I was to move them in there they would get cooked.

And during the winter the green house gets very cold, well below freezing. So I would need to heat it to grow in the green house during the winter.

hahaha so I foresee some investments to improve the humidity and also some heating system for the winter...maybe using solar energy, that could be interesting!

These plants are mini shrubs and they are going to grow a lot when they get the nutrients and get up with the sun, I will keep an eye on this follow up, it will be great to see them bloom and the production I imagine will be great to supply a good medicinal pharmacy.

They sure are, already so big they would not fit back in my grow tents.. lol

I am looking forward to them too, and yeah should provide me with lots of bud :-)

Your land is truly fertile, @solominer! They are so healthy!!!

I think they are quite happy there too

thanks for the tokens

All I have to say is NICE, and one more word BEAUTIFUL.

Hah I agree..

BTW I got a garden post coming up and it will be showing the shade cloth I am using as part of your suggestion :-)

I will be waiting for your post.
You want some light to come through, and after two weeks you can remove it and the plants should be acclimated to the sun.

Lacewings are excellent predator insects.. the rest aphids and mites

Oh nice, I have seen those around. I also use insecticidal soap to kill the aphids.

You should be able to buy lacewings larva at any nursery.. they work great. I also spread diatomaceous earth around to keep the creepy crawlys off

They are beautiful, big and full of color.
It is clear that they are treated with care and knowledge.

Much appreciated, I try to give them everything they need.

They are grateful🌿

Man this is just amazing dude. You’re killing it, all around!

The care that the four cannabis plants have, will allow their effective growth to be very well used by you @solominer I wish you a lot of success in your crops and logically in your land and equipment.


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