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RE: HIVE UK Meetup in Yorkshire plans and dates around the end of September 2020

in TeamUK4 years ago

I can't commit to attend for now. It's a long trip for me, but may be viable if others are travelling the same way and we can car share.


It would be awesome to meet you but I’m no fan of long distance travelling having done central London and Brighton way too many times. Fingers crossed something works out - but you will be sure to have a virtual meet up with the posts from everyone attending

I think there are a few people up your way who should make it. Any meetup tends to be fun and even intense. I meet so many smart people via the blockchain.

Train to Leeds, then Leeds to Halifax? It's a limited-stop (the second leg).

Nearly 4 hours by train or 3 in the car each way. Bit of a trek.